

3 Pages
US History
2nd, 3rd, 4th
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Activities, Games
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In this game students will learn about King Philip's War (or the First Indian War) in which Puritans and colonists fought against Native Americans after a brutal attack from Natives that saw 52 towns attacked.

King Philip's War, also known as Metacom's Rebellion or the First Indian War, was one of the most destructive conflicts in American history relative to the population size at the time. It took place from 1675 to 1676 in the American colonies and primarily involved the Plymouth Colony and the Native American tribes of New England.

Background: The war is named after Metacom, the chief of the Wampanoag tribe, who was known to the English as "King Philip." The conflict stemmed from escalating tension and hostilities driven by the English colonists' expansionist policies and their encroachment on Native American lands. Over the years, Native tribes had been subjected to increasing pressure to assimilate, convert to Christianity, and adopt European-style laws, leading to loss of tribal autonomy and land.

Outbreak of the War: The immediate catalyst for the war was the execution of three Wampanoags by the English, who had accused them of the murder of John Sassamon, a Native American who had converted to Christianity and served as an intermediary between the English and Native populations. Believing that they would never achieve justice in the English courts and fearing further loss of their lands and way of life, Metacom and his allies launched a campaign against colonial settlements.

Course of the War: The war was brutal and included numerous massacres and atrocities on both sides. Native warriors attacked half of New England's 90 towns, and many settlements were completely destroyed. The English, along with their Native allies from tribes such as the Mohegan and Pequot, fought back fiercely. The colonial militias eventually adopted tactics that included burning Native villages and food supplies.

Impact and Conclusion: The war concluded in 1676 following Metacom's death, who was killed in a swamp in Rhode Island. His head was displayed on a pike in Plymouth for decades. The war had a devastating impact: a significant portion of the Native American population was killed, sold into slavery, or displaced. The colonial forces also suffered heavy losses.

Economically and socially, the colonies faced severe strains. Many towns were near ruin, and the colonial economy suffered under the strain of war expenditure. It took years for the colonies to recover.

Legacy: King Philip's War had long-term effects on the Native American communities in New England, effectively ending most Native resistance in the region and leading to a dramatic shift in the balance of power in favor of European settlers. The war is often remembered as a critical moment when the destinies of Native peoples and European colonists in North America took distinctly divergent paths.
In this game students will learn about King Philip's War (or the First Indian War) in which Puritans and colonists fought against Native Americans after a brutal attack from Natives that saw 52 towns attacked. King Philip's War, also known... more
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