
Who doesn’t love teacher jokes?

You’ve probably heard 20 teacher jokes or more if you’ve been in the field for over a few months. Teaching with humor makes a big difference in a classroom’s mood and even the students’ lives. When people find something humorous, they are more likely to engage in the conversation and even more likely to retain information.

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What could be more fun in a learning environment?

When those endorphins are moving, which happens when we laugh, we tend to feel more relaxed and joyous. This makes our minds more open to learning new things. Students in this situation are paying clear attention and taking note subconsciously of this pleasantly memorable occasion. Often any prior nervousness or tension in the group dissipates and gives way to easygoing banter, perhaps contagious jokes that lead to others.

Only the very serious student would find the atmosphere less than ideal, and that’s a rare individual.

Brain sparks

An education researcher named Mary Kay Morrison studied how brains change during a humorous session of discussion and instruction. She found some fascinating information, with increased activity occurring in the test subjects:

“We’re finding humor lights up more of the brain than many other functions in a classroom,” says Morrison. “In other words, if you’re listening just auditorily in a classroom, one small part of the brain lights up, but humor maximizes learning and strengthens memories.”

Morrison also wrote a book called “Using Humor to Maximize Learning.”

Ways to incorporate humor as a teacher

While some people are just naturally quick-witted, with jokes and puns flowing throughout the day, some enjoy a little help. Why not take those lesson topics and apply some applicable jokes, where and when appropriate?

  • The internet is loaded with funny jokes about every topic imaginable.
  • Add a silly meme to your slide presentation that pertains to the subject.
  • Throw in some groan-worthy puns as you discuss a normally dry history lesson.
  • Have some extroverted students act out part of a science diagram.
  • Re-imagine some study concepts as board game elements and let the students run with it.
  • Make fun quiz styles that crack them up after a pre-test study session. For example, if the class is hunkering down in a discussion about Shakespeare before a big exam, end the session with a silly quiz that tells them which character they most like and why.

Get them laughing, and the knowledge may stick better! Naturally, keep the jokes clean and non-offensive at all times.

A necessary component?

Some educators go so far as to say that a good sense of humor is mandatory for surviving as a teacher and having an effective learning environment. Without it, teachers may be more apt to burn out, and kids won’t be nearly as receptive to learning.

Of course, the humor cannot be forced or overdone, or the entire point of it backfires. It should be lighthearted and tasteful as a garnish rather than the main course. Occasional humor works much better than a constant barrage of jokes and goofiness.

Teacher joke examples

Need some inspiration or joke suggestions for future lessons?

Well, it may be subjective to each audience, but here are some that seem to play well for many:

  1. When a teacher can’t get his pupils under control, what do you call him? Cross-eyed.
  2. How can you get straight As? Use a ruler.
  3. What did the librarian find in her compost pile? Bookworms
  4. What was the problem with the broken cafeteria clock? It always went back four seconds
  5. How do teachers cross the ocean when they don’t want to fly in a plane? They sail scholarships.
  6. What’s a good gift for a geography teacher? Well, a globe would mean the world to her.

Teacher jokes for school subjects

Looking for some good jokes to use for specific subjects? Have a read for some good laughs and ideas.

English & grammar class

  1. What words best comfort your English teacher? There, they’re, their.
  2. Who will be attending Santa’s family reunion? Relative clauses.
  3. Want to see why punctuation matters so much? Example: ‘Woman, without her man, is nothing.’ ‘Women: Without her, man is nothing.’
  4. The person who puts the ‘b’ in the word subtle deserves a pat on the back.
  5. It was tense whenever the past, present, and future were together.
  6. Double negatives are a huge No-No.
  7. English instructor: “Name two pronouns, please.” Pupil: “Who, me?”
  8. How are cats and commas different? One has claws at the end of its paws — One is a pause at the end of a clause.
  9. It would help if you tried to avoid clichés like the plague.
  10. Don’t marry an apostrophe. They’re too possessive!

Math class

  1. Where did the shivering cold geometry teacher go to warm up? In the corner, because it’s ninety degrees.
  2. There is a fine line between numerators & denominators (only a fraction of you will get it).
  3. It’s too bad… parallel lines have a LOT in common, but they’ll never be able to meet.
  4. Why do teenagers usually hang out in groups of three? Because they can’t even.
  5. Why is the obtuse triangle so confused? Because he’s never right.
  6. What’s another name for an empty parrot cage? A polygon.
  7. What can you call a group of buddies who love math? AlgeBROS.
  8. What type of snake is always 3.14159 meters long? A pi-thon.
  9. Hmm… ya know what’s odd? Every other number.
  10. What did the zero say to the eight? “Nice belt.” 08
  11. Put a ruler, compass, and calculator in your bag, and what do you have? Weapons of Math Instruction.
  12. Where do they bury dead math teachers? In the Symmetry.
  13. What time are most dentist appointments? Tooth-Hurty.

Science class

  1. Why is the thermometer so smart? It has many, many degrees.
  2. What type of tunes did the geologist ALWAYS listen to? Rock music, of course.
  3. What happens with a very sick chemist? First, you try to helium, but if you can’t curium, you have to barium.
  4. Why did the geography class fall laughing near the low mountains? They were “hill areas.”
  5. Make sure never to trust atoms. They make up everything,
  6. When you have a problem, talk to a chemist. They have your solution.
  7. Did you hear that oxygen and magnesium got married? OMg, what a wedding!
  8. This book about anti-gravity is really hard to put down.
  9. What did the tectonic plate say when it accidentally bumped into its pal? Sorry, my fault!
  10. Did the photon check any luggage? No, he was traveling light.

History class

  1. A Roman customer held up two fingers and said to the waitperson, “Five sodas, please!”
  2. Why were they called the Dark Ages? So many knights.
  3. Where did our country’s forefathers sign the Declaration of Independence? At the bottom.
  4. How did they cut apart the Roman Empire? Using a pair of Caesars.
  5. World War I went by quickly because… soldiers were Russian. World War II went by slowly because… of so much Stalin.
  6. Nicholas Romanov opened a new coffee shop called: Tsarbucks.
  7. April showers bring May flowers…and Mayflowers bring scurvy and smallpox.

Use your clever jokes, write down the witty class comments to use again in the future, and do some research for more hilarious puns and stories that fit your class and syllabus. Have a great time using humor in your classroom, and watch the students light up whenever their funny bones get a good tickle. It’s good for everyone in the room.