
There are a lot of experts who weigh in on parent-teacher relationships, and they all seem to have many differing opinions.

However, there is one aspect of the educational experience on which they all agree: The better the relationship between the parent and the teacher, the better the chances for the student’s success.

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The need for a great parent-teacher relationship

It may be difficult for some parents to hear, but it’s true that after them, their child’s teacher is the person who has the most impact on their lives. When your child respects their teacher, they will have a more positive academic experience. If they see you interacting with their teachers respectfully and engagingly, they will feel empowered to develop a stronger bond with the teaching staff at their school.

A few key strategies can help you foster a deeper relationship between your child and their educators, the most impactful being effective communication. We all know and understand how overloaded today’s teachers are. With budget cuts and overcrowding, they are often responsible for over 30 children in one class! This can make it difficult for them to spend quality one-on-one time with every student. However, if you go out of your way to interact with them, they will likely behave in kind.

Below are a few helpful tips on how to grow a positive parent-teacher relationship and give your child all of the benefits that come with that reality. It’s vitally important to get off on the right foot with the educators in your child’s life, and following these tips can help you to achieve that goal.

Be respectful

If you come across as if you know more about what’s best for your child’s educational curriculum, it may not be easy to form a close and positive relationship with their teacher. Make sure you respect their position as your child’s primary educator, and if you disagree with their approach, do so collaboratively and respectfully. You both want the same outcome: a quality school experience for your child. Keep this in mind every time your interact with a teacher.

There is nothing to gain from forming an adversarial relationship with a teacher. If you disagree with their teaching style or how they treat your child, make sure you don’t make the situation worse by becoming hostile. When an issue needs to be addressed, it can be helpful to call in an administrator or another third party that can help keep the discussion respectful and on track. You don’t have to agree with every decision your child’s teacher makes, but choosing your battles is important, and letting some things go unsaid.

Allow your child to have independence

One of the most difficult phases of any parent’s life is when their child begins to form close bonds with people outside the family. You must allow these relationships to grow organically and give your child the necessary space to branch out. It is possible to provide guidance and support from a distance which will help your child to gain confidence and learn how to interact with other adults. Giving them independence is one of the most important ways to give your child the confidence they will need later in life.

When your child’s teacher understands that you have faith in them and that you trust your child to form an independent relationship with them, it can help to foster a stronger bond between the two. If you are constantly micromanaging every interaction your child has with their teacher, it can stifle their growth and negatively affect your child’s classroom experience.

Stay humble

Allow teachers and other students to discover the great attributes that your child has without becoming boastful. Boasting about one’s child, especially to their teachers, can be annoying and have the exact opposite effect that you want.

When you have a positive attitude about your child and maintain a sense of humility when dealing with their teachers, you let them discover your child’s best assets in a new and special way. By not clouding their perception of your child, they can see them in a different light, as their relationship will be different than yours. Parents who can be engaged in their child’s education without second-guessing every move by their child or teacher allow their children to flourish and gain a strong educational foundation.

The best mindset is to remember your own school experience and how you wanted your teachers and parents to interact. There are many ways that your relationship with their teacher will affect your child’s educational experience, and you must get off on the right step with them. Take an active interest that allows room for your child and their teacher to form their bond and relationship.