Adia Middleton-James
I am a 6th grade English teacher who thrives on providing engaging and interactive lessons for my students. In addition to ELA, I also serve as the yearbook advisor, student council advisor and mentor coordinator for the middle school girls' mentor group. I love what I do and the opportunities/ experiences I provide my kids. All of my clubs depend on fundraising and or donations from community members.
My Student Council participates in a lot of community service activities- canned good collections, blessing bags for the homeless and fundraising for the Leukemia Lyphoma Society.
Ladies of Focus is my mentor group for the middle school girls. I am working with them on college/ career preparedness, STEM education and life skills. We are planning a college tour for April.
Yearbook club is responsible for the basic design and implementation of the book throughout the year.
I am a 6th grade English teacher who thrives on providing engaging and interactive lessons for my students. In addition to ELA, I also serve as the yearbook advisor, student... read more