
Alecia Stevens


I'm a late bloomer as I didn't go back to school until my own kids were grown - but education has always been in my blood. I was a teacher assistant for 15 years and have always wanted my own classroom. I completed my Masters in Education while teaching PreK in 2015 and currently I'm teaching Kindergarten at one of the lowest Title-I Schools in the city. My students work very hard to be successful and often I use my own funds to make sure they achieve their goals.

Increases in Science and Vocabulary are our school's focus goals this year. I love Science, however, experiment supplies can get very expensive. I am the grade-level science teacher and I would love to have funds to help offset my out of pocket expenses for basic experiment supplies for our grade-level. It seems cheaper to buy in bulk when preparing science labs for 4 classrooms. I would also like to increase my students classroom Science Center and Library by adding additional educational resources.

I appreciate all the donations made to educate 'all" children and promise to share my resources with any teacher who needs them. I believe in 'paying it forward" and thank you for your support!
I'm a late bloomer as I didn't go back to school until my own kids were grown - but education has always been in my blood. I was a teacher... read more

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Joined January, 2019 |


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