Despite how prevalent this mental health condition can be, the average person typically has very little knowledge of what PTSD is and how it affects adults and children. As a condition resulting from traumatic events that can occur at any time in someone’s life, it’s essential to understand the symptoms of PTSD. By knowing how […]
Children don't always get the best start in life. Many experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The ACE concept has been around since the 1980s. Kaiser Permanente's Vincent Felitti developed it after observing a connection between childhood trauma and obesity at his San Diego clinic in California. Since then, other mental health professionals have contributed significantly […]
It’s helpful to understand the different ways in which our bodies learn and develop. Medical and developmental professionals talk about gross motor skills regarding physical development. What are gross motor skills? These fundamental physical skills describe the large, intentional movements that involve moving the large groups of muscles in the legs, arms, and torso. What […]
When we speak, we follow certain invisible rules " ones we might take for granted and may not even realize exist in the first place. Some people, especially those with social communication disorder, can find it difficult to understand these rules, even though they can speak perfectly fine and understand conversations to the same degree […]
In this article, we will look at intrinsic motivation, define it, and explain the key things to know about this interesting psychological concept. Intrinsic motivation describes how our internal rewards systems drive how we behave in everyday life. Motivation can be derived from various sources; for example, extrinsic reinforcement brings the ‘carrot or stick’ approach […]
As kids and teenagers grow older, they look toward the future. For many teens, this will mean going away to college or moving out and living independently. Moving out is a big step, and your child must be ready to live independently. It can sometimes be difficult to tell if your child is ready to […]
When someone has ADHD, there are some symptoms that people assume that sufferers have. These include hyperactivity, an inability to focus, and the potential to be forgetful in various situations. However, relatively few people know that the condition seriously affects people's moods. Learn more about ADHD mood swings, how to recognize ADHD mood swings, and […]
Most parents look forward to taking time off from work in the summer to spend quality time with their kids. It offers them a chance to unwind and rest after a long year of school drop-offs, after-school clubs, and sports games. But for others, the summer break can be an anxious time, not just because […]
When looking after your child, you might notice the occasional tantrum. This is normal, but more extreme outbursts could signify wider behavioral problems in a young person. By keeping track of and understanding childhood anger, you can start to understand the source of these problems and work towards a solution that ends in better behavior […]