When infants and toddlers need additional support with their development, you'll get an Individualized Family Service Plan, also known as an IFSP. Hundreds of thousands of children throughout the USA receive early intervention services each year, and the program is set to expand even further. It can be daunting if your child needs additional support […]
May 5th is a special day for Mexico, commemorating their victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War in 1862. A vibrant celebration, it’s usually marked by carnivals and parades in larger cities. If you have never heard of this day before or don’t know much about it, why not read […]
Whether you're only just starting your career as a tutor or you're looking to tutor as a way of weaning yourself off teaching, there is plenty to gain from online tutoring. It's a fun and accessible way of impacting the next generation of learners without leaving your house. Learn more about online tutoring jobs and […]
The Lindamood-Bell approach to reading comprehension is quite promising, and you could consider adopting it as part of your teaching program. You must understand the strengths and weaknesses of this particular technique " though many people can benefit from this particular approach, it doesn't work the same for everybody. Students learn incredibly differently, so it's […]
Experiencing a traumatic event can be a challenging hurdle to overcome. While you may be aware of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, many people don’t know the other outcome that can arise following a difficult event or circumstance. Post-traumatic growth is a theory suggesting that you can come out of the other side of trauma […]
Understanding word meanings and making the appropriate connections necessary to utilize more complex vocabulary in their writing and language use can be hard for some students. Not all students grasp vocabulary and language the same way others do, and certain words and phrases may take a little more effort to remember. Likewise, certain words are […]
Learning how to read is a fundamental part of learning, as it allows students to understand things written down. The foundations for reading start with hearing or viewing stories, where young learners make connections between words and images. The next level is learning to read and retain information through the written word. There's a reason […]
When you're in a classroom or any other social situation, you come across plenty of people with different ways of thinking from you. While many of these come from social and cultural differences from one, some of them come from psychological differences that people have from birth. This includes conditions such as high-functioning autism. Learn […]
As a teacher, you might benefit from implementing Universal Design for Learning into your usual lessons, which helps accommodate the entire classroom. The term 'universal' could suggest a broad approach that teaches everybody the same way, but UDL is instead a method of educating the class using the techniques that work best for them. What […]