The ACE Quiz consists of 10 questions relating to the most common indicators of childhood traumatic experiences. The quiz is designed to be a practical, easy-to-apply indicator of how likely a person is to experience challenges in adulthood due to their early life. There are many more ACE factors than the 10 included. Still, the […]
Developmental milestones are physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and language skills that children typically acquire at specific ages. Each developmental area has an expected range for when these skills should emerge. Developmental milestones are important indicators of a child's growth and development. They represent the skills that 75% or more children should have achieved by a certain […]
Children don't always get the best start in life. Many experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The ACE concept has been around since the 1980s. Kaiser Permanente's Vincent Felitti developed it after observing a connection between childhood trauma and obesity at his San Diego clinic in California. Since then, other mental health professionals have contributed significantly […]
When we speak, we follow certain invisible rules " ones we might take for granted and may not even realize exist in the first place. Some people, especially those with social communication disorder, can find it difficult to understand these rules, even though they can speak perfectly fine and understand conversations to the same degree […]
In this article, we will look at intrinsic motivation, define it, and explain the key things to know about this interesting psychological concept. Intrinsic motivation describes how our internal rewards systems drive how we behave in everyday life. Motivation can be derived from various sources; for example, extrinsic reinforcement brings the ‘carrot or stick’ approach […]
As any educator will know, many students struggle with behavior in school, and traditional punishment-based approaches do not always effectively teach them the skills they need to improve. The solution? PBIS, or positive behavioral interventions and supports. PBIS is a proactive approach used by schools to improve school safety and encourage positive behavior. Instead of […]
All schools will have students with a wide range of abilities that they need to give the best support possible. This could be ensuring that high-flying pupils are helped to gain top marks or that struggling students are supported enough to reach their maximum potential. With this in mind, teachers have several frameworks, resources, and […]
The concept of mindset is something we come across in fields such as education, skills development, and personal development. Different types of mindsets can achieve different results. A fixed mindset is likely to tell us we cannot achieve our goals or change, and it acts as a blocker. A growth mindset allows us to believe […]
When someone has sensory issues, one of the main steps people take in their treatment is using a series of exercises and experiences. This is where using a sensory diet plays an integral role in ensuring that people with sensory issues make the most of their lives. Find out more about what a sensory diet […]