Lesson Planning
What is an IEP? IEP is an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that refers to a special-education study program incorporated into a school's curriculum. Linked to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a U.S. federal law, the IEP becomes a legal document establishing the child's eligibility. The disability must affect functioning at school for the […]
Encouraging students to become more creative is very important to their learning process. Over 80% of educators surveyed in the U.S believe creativity is a learned skill that should become a standard component of student learning. Creativity is important to the learning process because it encourages students to become more active and engaged with their courses. […]
As one of the oldest and most widely known teaching methods, a Socratic Principle is a common tool used for higher education, especially in Law. But outside of those specific environments, knowing the full extent of the Socrates method can be challenging. Despite its ancient origins, the Socratic teaching method is less complicated than you […]
Using various teaching methods can give your students the best learning experience. If you're wondering, ‘what is the Jigsaw Strategy?’ you'll be excited to learn about an innovative, new teaching method. How can the Jigsaw teaching strategy be used? The Jigsaw teaching strategy can be used in any classroom to increase collaboration and independent responsibility. […]
Academic rigor is a term that's becoming more commonplace in education than ever before, but what is academic rigor? Why do we need it? For many teachers, rigor in the classroom is unfamiliar, making it far more challenging to support and implement in practice. Having a good understanding of rigor in education can be essential […]
Revising and reviewing the material you have taught your students during a module, course, or semester is vital in preparing them for assignments and tests. It can, however, feel a little tedious and boring going over topics that have already been covered. Fortunately, methods are available to help you motivate students and ensure they possess […]
As a teacher, it is your job to inspire and develop the next generation of thinkers, workers, and leaders, which can often prove challenging. Teachers can often find themselves struggling to relate to younger people and might find staying relevant something of a challenge. One solution is to ask them and use student interest surveys. […]
If you’ve been a teacher for a long time, there’s a great chance that you’ll be used to using data to drive instruction to improve outcomes. However, if you’re a fairly new teacher or else set in your ways, perhaps you won’t have heard of such a method. Data-driven teaching can open the door to […]
Sometimes, a break is exactly what's needed to get your class back on track. It's been scientifically proven that a break in learning and 'doing' can make all the difference to how our minds process things, and brain breaks for kids are no exception. According to Amanda Morin of Understood, improving focus, enhancing concentration, and […]