Teaching is a popular career for many reasons, but having the opportunity to enrich the lives of young people is one of the most compelling reasons to become a teacher. Whether you teach kindergarten, elementary school students, middle schoolers, or high school pupils, helping them learn new skills, understand the world around them, and develop […]
We get you for those entering the world of teaching for the first time. Taking those first steps from being in a fully-supervised environment to being in charge of 30 kids on your own suddenly can be scary. But it's precisely what you've been training for, and with our tips to help you along the […]
Let me, please introduce myself, and I am a teacher. I’m here today to talk to you about your helicopter antics and micromanagement of your child’s educational experience. It shouldn’t come as news to you that I care quite a bit about your child and ensuring they receive the education they need. I understand how […]
Test-taking is a stressful occurrence that some students handle better than others. If you have one or more students who act out around test time, you may feel at your wits end! Tests are one trigger of emotional outbursts but perhaps the most common. It’s important to guide your students through stressful moments and help […]
According to occupational therapist Victoria Prooday, a tragedy affects modern families and children. This silent tragedy affects how teachers, professionals, and parents work with children and, over time, has become more prevalent than ever before. A tragedy affecting students When it comes to children’s emotional state and mental health, a study by Prooday has shown […]
Sitting still and concentrating in class can be difficult for the average child. But for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, this difficulty is multiplied tenfold. Yes, recess helps students with ADHD However, recent research into children with the condition has shown one thing to significantly impact the control and behavior of children […]
The lessons we learn early in life are most often the ones we carry through our lifetimes. That’s why it is important to allow children to be creative while we help build their self-esteem. This is why we should teach children to be strong There is a lot of evidence to suggest that those formative […]
When you think about what is crucial for your child, essentials like water, shelter, food, and warmth may come to mind. When you think about the idea in more depth, however, things like love, friendship, and happiness could be considered equally important for the development of your child. Love and friendship can be seen as […]
We know children are hard-wired to learn by observing the world around them. For natural-born leaders, demonstrating leadership and self-reliance skills may come naturally. However, the rest of us will need to be a little more intentional in our ongoing conversations with the children in our lives to ensure they are allowed to develop some […]