Teacher Resources
As one of the oldest and most widely known teaching methods, a Socratic Principle is a common tool used for higher education, especially in Law. But outside of those specific environments, knowing the full extent of the Socrates method can be challenging. Despite its ancient origins, the Socratic teaching method is less complicated than you […]
Using various teaching methods can give your students the best learning experience. If you're wondering, ‘what is the Jigsaw Strategy?’ you'll be excited to learn about an innovative, new teaching method. How can the Jigsaw teaching strategy be used? The Jigsaw teaching strategy can be used in any classroom to increase collaboration and independent responsibility. […]
You must get to know your students at the start of the year. Not only will this ensure a smooth beginning to lessons that will undeniably be awkward, but it will also create a mutual sense of respect and understanding from the get-go. Learning about your students also increases something called group cohesiveness. Group cohesion […]
Spreading joy in your classroom can sometimes feel like a losing battle. On those days when kids act up, assignments fall well below standards, and your classroom supplies seem to disappear magically, joy is the last thing on your mind. However, actively trying to spread happiness can sometimes make these days feel much less stressful […]
Sometimes, a break is exactly what's needed to get your class back on track. It's been scientifically proven that a break in learning and 'doing' can make all the difference to how our minds process things, and brain breaks for kids are no exception. According to Amanda Morin of Understood, improving focus, enhancing concentration, and […]
Ever wondered what is “digital literacy,” and why it matters? Although the definition varies greatly depending on one’s sources, it encompasses more than just reading from a computer screen and writing with a keyboard. What Is Digital Literacy? With the advent of new computing devices, social media platforms, and cutting-edge technologies like virtual and augmented […]
The Power of Yet has become synonymous with learning. Each year students enter classrooms filled with mixed mindsets. Some are eager to learn, while others remain a bit uncertain. What’s impressive about this concept is how quickly students associate with its purpose. But what is The Power of Yet? The Power of Yet is a […]
One of the most common complaints parents have is about the lack of communication with their children and teachers. As a teacher, this can be frustrating. There are only so many letters and emails that can be sent, and many of these are ignored or forgotten, leaving teachers at a loss for improving communication with […]
For some students, reading is enjoyable and exciting. But for others, developing their skills and progress in reading can be a real challenge. This is especially true for students that don't get reading time at home, leading to them quickly falling behind their classmates. CommonLit (Free Online Reading Program) is a tool that helps students […]