
A CV is an academic document that provides a snapshot of your academic and professional experience.

It is often the first point of contact between you and an employer, so it’s essential to make sure that you have a clear and effective CV that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. The good news is that writing a great CV isn’t difficult if you know what to do and have the right tools. This article aims to help you write a CV that will get you noticed by employers at all levels.

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What to do when writing a CV

Here are several tips on things to include and do when you’re writing a CV:

1. Make your CV visually appealing

When you’re writing a CV, you want to make it visually appealing. The first thing a company will notice about your CV is its appearance. If it looks appealing, they’ll be more likely to read it and consider hiring you. To make your CV visually appealing, use colors and fonts that are easy on the eyes. Don’t use too many colors or too many fonts at once.

Make sure that your CV is organized in an easy-to-read format. You should start with an introduction section where you introduce yourself and explain why you are a good fit for the position. Next, include sections for previous work experience, education/training, skills, references/recommendations, awards/recognitions received (if any), etc.

2. Include general contact information

When writing your CV, it’s important to include contact information so potential employers can reach you. This includes your phone number, email address, and any additional ways they can reach you. If you’re looking for a job online, it’s also helpful to
include a link to your LinkedIn profile and website in the form of an embedded link or hyperlink.

3. Include relevant experience and skills

When writing a CV, it is essential to include all relevant experience and skills to make the most of your qualifications and experience. It is often the most critical part of your CV, as it shows what you have accomplished in the past and how it relates to the job you are applying for.

When writing this section, it can be helpful to consider what skills are needed for the job you are applying for and how you have demonstrated those skills in previous jobs. These examples should be listed in chronological order to determine how long you have used these skills.

You may want to consider including the following:

  • Awards or honors you have received
  • Professional associations you are a member of
  • Professional development training certificates or courses you have completed
  • Special projects or initiatives that you led or participated in

4. Carefully proofread

When you’re writing your CV, there are two things you need to do above all else: carefully proofread and make sure your CV is relevant to the job. Carefully proofreading your CV is essential because it’s the first thing that hiring managers will see when they look through your resume, and they may be looking at hundreds of them. You don’t want to send out a sloppy CV with typos or grammatical errors because this will make you seem less professional. If you have time, read through your CV aloud to catch any mistakes.

The second thing you should do when writing a CV is make sure it’s relevant to the job. The most common mistake people make when writing their CVs is trying too hard to impress their potential employers by including irrelevant information about themselves.

What not to do when writing a CV

Here are a few tips on what not to do when writing a CV:

1. Don’t focus on the length

The length of your CV should be proportional to the amount of experience and accomplishments you have. It should also be concise enough that it can be easily understood by a reader who doesn’t know you personally.

A CV that is too long will likely bore readers who are just scanning for relevant information. It may also put off people looking at your CV because they don’t want to spend time reading through pages and pages of text. A CV that is too short may not convey enough information about your skills, education, or experience to get you an interview. If the reader can’t tell from your resume whether you’re qualified, they may not bother interviewing you! Write your content first and then look at the length rather than writing to fill pages.

2. Don’t include unnecessary information

It can be hard to know what to include in your CV if you’re looking for a new job. You want to ensure that your work experience is highlighted and that you’re highlighting the skills most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

But there are also things that you don’t need to include. For example, don’t include unnecessary information like your age or irrelevant hobbies or photographs. These things can come across as unprofessional and also waste space on your CV for more relevant information.

3. Don’t provide excesses of information

Your CV should be a concise, clear summary of your education, work history, and relevant skills. Too much information can overwhelm the reader, who may lose track of what you’re trying to convey. It’s also important to remember that CVs are often read by people looking for specific information, such as hiring managers or recruiters looking for candidates with specific skills or backgrounds. So if you give them a long list of everything you’ve ever done, they might miss what they’re looking for.