

Causes, goals, wishes, achievements
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School, sport, music, medical, technology, STEM equipment
Student, teacher, school, PTO supplies


I teach in one of the most diverse districts in the state of Washington. My school has 75% free and reduced lunch. My high school is the oldest in the district. My students don't have the basics to be successful daily. I buy my own supplies to give kids, including food and snacks. We don't have enough text books for the courses I teach. I would appreciate any and all help and so will my kids. I have great relationships with them and value all.
I teach in one of the most diverse districts in the state of Washington. My school has 75% free and reduced lunch. My high school is the oldest in the district. My students don't have the basics to be successful... more

Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Dec 29th, 2022

      Fundraiser for Douglas Toland

      Douglas Toland
      $714 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Fundraiser Completed
      Ends on Mar 21st, 2023