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School, sport, music, medical, technology, STEM equipment
Student, teacher, school, PTO supplies


Teaching is not just giving your students information. It's listening to their heart and feeding their soul. It requires giving more of yourself then a book could ever offer. It means believing in them when they are unwilling to believe in themselves. I teach because I love to learn. I teach where I'm at because their desire is strong but often hidden deep beneath a hurt they never knew anything about because it started centuries before they were born. Seeing my students succeed gives me life! They become my children, my family. Children teach you how to be real. No screams allowed. Your calm helps them to be heard even when they aren't saying anything. I love what I do!
Teaching is not just giving your students information. It's listening to their heart and feeding their soul. It requires giving more of yourself then a book could ever offer. It means believing in them when they are unwilling to believe... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Dec 29th, 2022

      Fundraiser for Noreen Pressley

      Noreen Pressley
      $564 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Fundraiser Completed
      Ends on Aug 24th, 2023