Causes, goals, wishes, achievements
Social, cultural outreach
School, sport, music, medical, technology, STEM equipment
Student, teacher, school, PTO supplies
I began teaching after college and taught for 6 years. I stopped for 12 years and raised four children. Once they began school, I started in a private nursery school for a few years in charge of 2 1/2 and 3 year old program. I have many certificates in many different years along with a masters. Then I began teaching 14 years ago in the district I live in now. I absolutely love what I do. I teach ,most years close to 60 students, English as a Second Language. Even though I am just making ends meet, I always worry about my students. I would never want them to feel uncomfortable in not having necessary material things. If they do not have some of the items needed they will lose focus in why they are in school. I'm talking about coats for the winter, socks on feet, backpacks, supplies, food even when not in school. I also do a Garden Club with the school so they can learn how to raise crops for their own nutrition and it can cost nothing. I try to make it as much fun in their learning experience so they can always look back at their elementary years and know where it started. I do have to say my children are grown now , all went to college and have successful careers. As for myself , I am married 35 years to a wonderful hard working man and we have a great and growing family. I share with my students not only dreams that could come true but to reach for the stars no matter what , obey the laws and you never know where life leads you. Success is there you just have to grab it and earn it.
I began teaching after college and taught for 6 years. I stopped for 12 years and raised four children. Once they began school, I started in a private nursery school for a few years in charge of 2 1/2 and...