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This is my 6th year teaching!! I love what I do and I am a lifer for sure! My classroom is full of hands on math activities and projects that my kids do instead of basic worksheets all the time. I use to do interactive notebooks that I want to go back to eventually when I stock up on supplies again. Glue and paper go fast when you have 150 kids!!
This is my 6th year teaching!! I love what I do and I am a lifer for sure! My classroom is full of hands on math activities and projects that my kids do instead of basic worksheets all the time.... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Dec 29th, 2022

      Fundraiser for Tara Skaggs

      Tara Skaggs
      $827 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Fundraiser Completed
      Ends on Oct 24th, 2023