

Cultivation, education, experience
School, sport, music, medical, technology, STEM equipment
Student, teacher, school, PTO supplies


I am a K-5 reading teacher at a lower income school. Funding is very limited. I often need to purchase the supplies for my classroom. I like to have various ways to engage students. I use things like sand trays, play doh, dry erase boards, and legos. Some of these items need to be regularly be replenished while others need to be replaced. Some I just do not have.
I am a K-5 reading teacher at a lower income school. Funding is very limited. I often need to purchase the supplies for my classroom. I like to have various ways to engage students. I use things like sand trays,... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Jul 17th, 2024

      Mrs Kalin reading room

      Kelli Kalin
      $500 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Ends on Jan 13th, 2025