

Social, cultural outreach
Desks, storage, bins, flexible seating
Affordable, dormitory, homelessness


My name is Daiondria I'm currently homeless in Lima Ohio. I don't have any support and have never had my own home every since my parents passed I've been in the system and homeless recently I started working but can't save up enough to get my own housing, with paying to stay places, food, and necessities. I feel so alone and defeated. I just need enough to get a vehicle to get around and maybe to sleep in until I can get an apartment or house. Anything helps. Thank you guys in advance.
My name is Daiondria I'm currently homeless in Lima Ohio. I don't have any support and have never had my own home every since my parents passed I've been in the system and homeless recently I started working but can't... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Oct 11th, 2024

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      Daiondria Cochran
      $2,500 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Ends on Apr 9th, 2025