
Let me, please introduce myself, and I am a teacher.

I’m here today to talk to you about your helicopter antics and micromanagement of your child’s educational experience. It shouldn’t come as news to you that I care quite a bit about your child and ensuring they receive the education they need.

I understand how important it is for them to earn good grades, score well on the SAT, and prepare for many, many successes in their future lives. However, you can make my job more difficult than needed when you constantly insert yourself into the process and second-guess my methods. Here are a few things I’m going to go over:

  • What are the effects of helicopter parenting?
  • How to deal with helicopter parents?
  • What are some examples of helicopter parents?
  • What are the benefits of helicopter parenting?

Education resources


Trust me. We’re on the same page

You may be surprised that most teachers join the profession because they care about kids. Crazy, right?

We’ve got it covered when it comes to guiding and providing your kiddos with the foundation they need to be successful in life. It’s our job to teach your kids. That’s what we wake up to do every morning. That’s what we plan for every evening. That’s what we do every minute we’re on the clock. We went to school to learn the most effective teaching methods for every type of child.

It’s important to remember that your child isn’t the only one in my classroom. Some methods may not work well for them, but they may be exactly what another child needs. Luckily, we vary our teaching techniques and approaches best to serve ALL of the children in the class.

Rather than accepting that we are the professionals in the room, your insistence on telling us how to do our jobs is beyond counterproductive. It isn’t very kind. We are not the enemy; we also want what’s best for all our students. If your child is not getting the grade you think they deserve, it may be more beneficial to look at what they can improve rather than ranting about our supposed purposeful sabotaging of your child’s success.

We don’t makeup reasons to single out your child and try to blame them for something they didn’t do

Please don’t question our integrity or authority in front of your child. It undermines our effectiveness when dealing with your child in positive and negative interactions.

If you don’t respect us, how can we expect your child to?

We’ll not create phantom incidents to get your child in trouble. Yes, there are various interpretations of different circumstances, but to act like we’re making things up out of thin air is both disingenuous and detrimental to your child’s growth.

If we accuse your child of misbehaving, it’s because we saw something or heard something that was outside the bounds of acceptable classroom behavior.

If your child has been reprimanded for misbehaving, think of it as an opportunity to work with us to form an effective solution rather than pitting us against each other.

When your child acts up at school it’s usually because of some other stressor affecting them outside the class.

Let’s use their wrongdoing as a jumping-off point to dig deeper into what may be bothering them and get to the root cause of the problem together.

No, teachers aren’t perfect, but we do deserve the benefit of the doubt

Rather than firing off a confrontational email after your child tells you about something that happened in class that you don’t agree with, why not pick up the phone and have a productive conversation? We are more than willing to listen to your perspective and hear your concerns.

We ask that you give us the same consideration and listen to what we say. We make mistakes, and we may have areas of interaction that could use some improvement, just like everyone else, but that doesn’t mean that everything we do should be discounted.

Even though we aren’t perfect, there’s a lot of stuff that we do right, and we must receive the respect we deserve.

Let’s talk respectfully and effectively. Trust me. We’ll both like the results much better when we adopt this approach. We are on the same team, and when we work together, your child is the one who benefits the most. Rather than swooping to save the day, why not take advantage of the resources provided to you by the school and our staff?

Please stop with the helicoptering and try a gentler, softer approach. We are happy to address your concerns. We don’t appreciate being treated like we’re the enemy.

Thank you,

Your child’s teacher

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