
Mireya Welle


I work at a title one school we're funds for school supplies and field are very hard to get. At the beginning of every year I ask for donations for my classroom. We are currently collectimg box tops for our trip to a farm. We get one field trip payed but the entrance to the farm is $15.00 dollars per student. We could somewhere else but this trip is so meaningful to my students. I also ask parents to donate paper towels and hand soap throughout the year since we run out. I love my students and would fund what ever we need. This last year I bought our materials for our art activities. I only get an aid for one hour a day so I always ask for parents to volunteer when they can or grandparents. My classroom currently has nine English Learning Students and one mainstreaming student. I also have six students who receive speech services. I am consistently making accommodations for all of my unique and special students. I would never change careers. I have been teaching for 25 years, and loving everyday with my students. I work at a title one school we're funds for school supplies and field are very hard to get. At the beginning of every year I ask for donations for... read more

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Joined January, 2019 |


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