

99+ Pages
Arts & Music, Art History, Visual Arts
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Activities, Curriculum, Multimedia


This is a PowerPoint of 100 days of warm ups that you can use in an art class or any class. These warmups address the writing and critical thinking required by the Common Core State Standards and help students to cite evidence from artwork. This is a great classroom management tool, because students have a journal activity to do at the beginning of class that keeps them occupied while you take roll or prepare to begin the class. Journals can then be discussed in class (the students really enjoy talking about the artwork) and the teacher can go over the instructions for the day, objectives, and homework assignments. Each slide features artwork from a famous artist, a question about the artwork, a place for you to write your objective for the day, and a place for you write homework or sketchbook assignments. Some of the artists featured are Picasso, Van Gogh, Matisse, Toulouse Lautrec, Jackson Pollack, Keith Haring, Max Beckman, Dorothea Lange, Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas and Claude Monet. All pages are editable so you can change the question, objective, and homework.This is a PowerPoint of 100 days of warm ups that you can use in Art Class or any class. This is a great classroom management tool, because students have a journal activity to do at the beginning of class that keeps them occupied while you take roll or prepare to begin the class. Journals can then be discussed in class (the students really enjoy talking about the artwork) and the teacher can go over the instructions for the day, objectives, and homework assignments. Each slide features artwork from a famous artist, a question about the artwork, a place for you to write your objective for the day, and a place for you write homework assignments. Some of the artists featured on Picasso, Van Gogh, Matisse, Toulouse Lautrec, Jackson Pollack, Keith Haring, Max Beckman, Dorothea Lange, Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas and Claude Monet. All pages are editable so you can change the question, objective, and homework.

This also addresses many of the National Core Arts Standards for Responding and Career Technical Education standards. The Common Core State Standards, National Core Arts Standards and California Technical Education Standards are listed in the first three pages of the PowerPoint.

This also addresses many of the National Core Arts Standards for Responding and Career Technical Education standards. The Common Core State Standards, National Core Arts Standards and California Technical Education Standards are listed in the first three pages of the PowerPoint.
This is a PowerPoint of 100 days of warm ups that you can use in an art class or any class. These warmups address the writing and critical thinking required by the Common Core State Standards and help students to... more
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100 Art Journal Warm Ups
