

34 Pages
Reading & Literacy, Guided Reading, Reading Comprehension & Learning
5th, 6th, 7th
Resource Type
Activities, Guided Reading, Literature Circles


This reader response product is a supplemental resource for the novel "A Night Divided" by Jennifer Nielsen. You can either print the student handouts or assign them digitally using the Google Slides version that's also included. The reader response questions, organized into chapters, are intended to challenge students to use higher-level thinking skills. Printable PDF and Google Slides & Forms (digital) versions are included!

The reader response questions lend themselves to in-depth class or peer discussions. The questions require students to provide textual evidence to support their responses and/or express their opinions or perspectives. The graphic organizers provided in this product can be utilized in a variety of ways to differentiate based on your students' academic abilities and needs.

⭐️This resource includes:⭐️

Printable PDF and Google Slides (digital) versions are included!

*Pre-Reading Focus Questions (1 page) - Students respond to these questions before beginning the novel.
*Reader Response Questions (10 pages) - Students will answer multiple-choice and short-answer questions to respond to the text. Included are questions for each poem in the novel. (ANSWER KEY included).
*Visualizing (5 pages) - Students identify parts in the novel where the author used descriptive language and illustrate what they visualized.

*Character Inside & Out (1 page) - Students include details from the story to describe what the character says, thinks, does, and feels.
*Character Traits (1 page) - Students choose character traits to describe how the character changed throughout the story and support their thinking with evidence from the text.
*Overcoming Obstacles (1 page) - Students will fill in the T-Chart with physical, emotional, or mental obstacles the character faced and describe their response to those challenges.
*Character Analysis (1 page) - Students choose four important character traits that describe the main character and provide evidence from the text to support their choices. Then, they describe how the character changed and developed throughout the story, state their opinion regarding which event impacted the character the most, and support their thinking with evidence from the text.
*Character Summary (1 page) - Students will summarize the main character focusing on challenges, response to challenges, flaws, positive characteristics, and completing a timeline of 5 events that showcase the character's behavior.

*Making Predictions Graphic Organizer (1 page) - Before reading the book, students will examine the front cover and describe what they see, make predictions about what the book is about, and the questions they think the book might answer.
*Making Inferences (1 page) - Students use clues and schema to come up with three inferences they made from the text.
*Making Connections (1 page) - Students make connections to an event from the story.
*Problem & Solution (1 page) - Students identify the problem & solution in the story.
*Cause & Effect Graphic Organizers (1 page) - Students will identify cause and effect relationships in the novel.
*Chain of Events (1 page) - Students will show how one event led to another in the story.
*Plot Map (1 page) - Students organize the events of the story on the graphic organizer.
*Summarizing (1 page) - Students complete the Somebody, Wanted, Because, But, So graphic organizer and write a summary for the story.
*Figurative Language Chart (2 pages) - Students will look for how the author incorporates figurative language in the text and fill in the chart with the quote, page #, type, meaning, and the author's purpose for including it.
*Sensory Details (1 page) - Students choose an event from the story and describe it from the character's perspective using all five senses.
This reader response product is a supplemental resource for the novel "A Night Divided" by Jennifer Nielsen. You can either print the student handouts or assign them digitally using the Google Slides version that's also included. The reader response questions,... more
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