

13 Pages
History/Social Studies, History, US History
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
Resource Type
Activities, Learning Centers, Printables
Common Core English Language Arts Standards


It is important to have well-rounded activities for your study of the Revolutionary War. These 5 centers will complement your study of the American Revolution. Middle school students love to move about in centers and think creatively. The Revolutionary War activities will extend learning and have students answer higher-level questions.

Includes the following center activities:

✅Art History: Students will examine Washington Crossing the Delaware, read background information, and answer higher-level questions.
✅Primary Source: Students will read a related primary source, from George Washington to Congress asking for troops/supplies; students will answer higher-level questions.
✅Artifacts/Objects: Students will examine images of artifacts from this time period and write what they see, think, and wonder about each object.
✅Geography: Students will examine a map of the Battle of Yorktown and answer basic and higher-level questions.
✅Biography: Students will do some brief research on Deborah Sampson and create a bio poem to reflect a deeper understanding of her. Websites for research are provided.

Here is what I recommend:
⭐️Use the centers either with or after a unit of study of the Revolutionary War. I have a complete unit on the Revolutionary War to complement this in my Classful store.
⭐️I like to print them and set my desks on tables during center time. I put the directions in an acrylic Dollar Store frame or tape it to a file folder so it stands up.
⭐️If you don't have a color printer, you could attach those slides to your Google Classroom™ or print in black and white.
⭐️I put kids in small groups. Since there are 5 centers, I divide kids up. Then, I rotate them around the room. You can figure out how much time you'd like to give them. I would use at least 2 class periods to give kids enough time. So, if you teach a 50-minute block and use two class periods, that is 100 minutes, so that would give kids 20 minutes per station.
⭐️I recommend having kids use some kind of related online game or ongoing project if they finish a center early. If you are using my unit, they could use this time for the project portion.
⭐️There is a selection of readings to help gain information for a 'spotlight on Deborah Sampson" center. Feel free to add resources that might work for your students. You can copy them easily on your Google Classroom™, or select a few to print.

Any questions, feel free to email me: linda@allinonemiddleschool

Linda A. - "All in One Middle School"

Copyright ©All in One Middle School, Linda Asaro
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
It is important to have well-rounded activities for your study of the Revolutionary War. These 5 centers will complement your study of the American Revolution. Middle school students love to move about in centers and think creatively. The Revolutionary War... more
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American Revolution Activities - Centers for Middle School Social Studies

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