

23 Pages
Reading Comprehension & Learning, Reading Skills, Seasonal
2nd, 3rd, 4th
Resource Type
Activities, Organizers, Printables


This picture book companion is a fantastic supplemental resource for the book Bone Soup, by Cambria Evans, the perfect interactive read-aloud for the days or weeks leading up to Halloween. Students will love the engaging and fun activities and you will appreciate the time it saves you looking for high-level activities to teach reading concepts that students often struggle with.

With 19 print-and-go reading exercises to select from, this resource is ideal for personalizing instruction based on your student's needs and academic capabilities. Students will dig into characterization; identify story elements; determine the theme; sequence events from the story; determine the meaning of new vocabulary, practice reading text and illustrations to gain a better understanding, and so much more! The included activities were designed to encourage students to use higher-level thinking skills, require students to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to provide their own opinions and/or perspective.

Need ideas for different ways you can implement these activities?
-Focus on different reading skills each day for targeted instruction and have students complete a corresponding printable to check for understanding.
-During centers, students can independently read the story again and complete an activity that reviews a previously taught concept.
-Work with students on a reading concept they struggle with during guided reading or strategy groups.
-Students work with a partner(s) or in literature circles to complete additional reading activities.

This resource is for extension read-aloud activities only. The book is not included.

This Resource Includes:

Story Elements " Students fill in the boxes with words and pictures to represent the story elements.

Retell the Story - BME " Students retell the beginning, middle, and end of the story with text and illustrations.

Sequencing - Students write a sentence and draw a picture to show the correct order of events in the story.

Plot Map - Students fill out the plot map with important events from the story.

Reader Response Questions " Students respond to short answer questions.

2 Characterization Graphic Organizers - Character Traits and Character Summary

Vocabulary Context Clues - Students use context clues to determine the meanings of words from the story.

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle - Students complete a crossword puzzle with words from the story.

Vocabulary Reading Text & Illustrations - Students examine illustrations from the story to define words.

Making Connections - Students choose an event from the story and make connections.

Cause & Effect - Students fill in the missing information with either the cause or the effect.

Sensory Details - Students choose an event from the story and describe it using all five senses.

Making Inferences - Students use clues and schema to make inferences.

Theme - Students answer the questions to determine the theme of the story.

Thematic Statements - Students choose one of the provided thematic statements that they believe fits the story best.

Trip to Town - Students recap Finnigin's visit to the town with pictures and captions that include details from the story.

Wait... There's More! " Students create two story pages highlighting the character's future events and actions.

Text to Text - Students compare and contrast the story Bone Soup to the story, Stone Soup using a graphic organizer.
This picture book companion is a fantastic supplemental resource for the book Bone Soup, by Cambria Evans, the perfect interactive read-aloud for the days or weeks leading up to Halloween. Students will love the engaging and fun activities and you... more
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