4 Pages
CAD, Computer-aided Drafting
6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Adult Ed, Higher Ed
Resource Type
Activities, Assessments, Curriculum
Cookie cutters are a fun way to test your skills in TinkerCAD. Once they are done you can 3D print the cutter and make some cookies in your favorite shape!
This set of instructions walks you through the entire process so you can make a tea cookie sized cutter. You can also stamp a design into the top of it for a more personal cookie!
These are great for play sand or play-dough as well!
For 3D printing these, I recommend PETG, PP, coPETG or other high temp filament. You'll have to hand clean the cutters after use and sterilize in bleach or other food-safe solution.
This set of instructions walks you through the entire process so you can make a tea cookie sized cutter. You can also stamp a design into the top of it for a more personal cookie!
These are great for play sand or play-dough as well!
For 3D printing these, I recommend PETG, PP, coPETG or other high temp filament. You'll have to hand clean the cutters after use and sterilize in bleach or other food-safe solution.
Cookie cutters are a fun way to test your skills in TinkerCAD. Once they are done you can 3D print the cutter and make some cookies in your favorite shape! This set of instructions walks you through the entire process... more