71 Pages
Economics, Entrepreneurial skills
6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Not standard specific
Create Your Own Business is a workbook that allows children/students to get a taste of the busy life of an entrepreneur. They will begin by making or designing a type of product or service, deciding upon a location for their business, purchasing the materials needed, and so on. The child/student will be given opportunities to better their business and deal with the fickle public and those ruthless competitors. Every business has perils and the fortunate ones have major victories. There are many chances to grow and evolve in this workbook, just as many companies must learn to do in reality. What makes this workbook somewhat more exciting, is that your child will be able to cut out and draw from playing cards that contain several types of situations, some quite beneficial, some not. These cards just help make this workbook a bit more interesting while throwing some realistic situations an entrepreneur might be faced with. All in all, this workbook is just a fun and informative way for your child to encounter some of the experiences of owning and running a business.
Create Your Own Business is a workbook that allows children/students to get a taste of the busy life of an entrepreneur. They will begin by making or designing a type of product or service, deciding upon a location for their... more