

22 Pages
Reading & Literacy, Reading Comprehension & Learning, Reading Skills
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Resource Type
Activities, Cultural, Printables


Make interactive read-alouds fun and meaningful with these engaging reading activities! This picture book companion is great for celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Included are 13 print-and-go reading activities that pair perfectly with the picture book Dancing Hands: How Teresa Carreño Played for President Lincoln, by Margarita Engle. The included activities focus on important reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking. Quick and easy setup plus clear student directions make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!

Dancing Hands: How Teresa Carreño Played for President Lincoln is an inspirational story about one little girl's journey to fame. This historical story reads like a beautiful poem. Author Margarita Engle's elaborate descriptions and rich metaphors transport the reader back in time. The vibrant and stunning illustrations also help draw the reader into Teresa's life, her music, and the historical events of the time period.

Students will: dig into characterization; write a book review; retell the story; identify story elements; practice reading the text and illustrations; determine the theme; identify descriptive language, and more! The included activities were designed to encourage students to use higher-level thinking skills, require students to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to provide their own opinions and/or perspective.

This resource is for extension read aloud activities only (the book is not included and will need to be purchased separately).

This Resource Includes:

Reader Response Questions (1 page) " short-answer response questions

See, Think, Wonder (1 page) - Before reading the book, students will carefully examine the front cover and describe what they see, make predictions about what the book is about and the questions they think the book might answer.

Story Elements Graphic Organizer (1 page) " Students will fill in the boxes with words and pictures to represent the story elements.

Sequencing (1 page) - Students will write a sentence and draw a picture to show the correct order of events in the story.

Plot Map (1 page) - Students will fill out the plot map with important events from the story.

Making Connections (1 page) - Students will choose an event from the story and make connections.

Characterization Graphic Organizers (3 pages)
Character Traits
Character Change
Character Summary

Setting Influences the Plot (1 page) " Students will focus on how the the setting effects the characters and events of the plot.

Reading Text & Illustrations (4 pages) - Students will read the text, examine the illustrations, and answer the related questions.

Sensory Details (1 page) - Students will choose an event from the story and describe it from the character's perspective using all five senses with sensory and figurative language.

Theme (1 page) - Students will answer the questions to determine the theme of the story and provide text evidence.

Descriptive Language (1 page) - Students will read the examples taken from the text. Then, reread the story to find an example of each technique.

Book Review (1 page) " Students will rate and write a review for the book.

Biography Report (1 page) " Students will research further into the life of Teresa Carreño, learning more about her music and how it added to the arts during and even after her time.

Music Appreciation (1 page) - Students will Listen to Teresa Carreño's composition called "La Falsa Nota" played by another pianist. Then reflect on what they imagined as they heard the music, how it made them feel, and what it reminds them of.
Make interactive read-alouds fun and meaningful with these engaging reading activities! This picture book companion is great for celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Included are 13 print-and-go reading activities that pair perfectly with the picture book Dancing Hands: How Teresa Carreño... more
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Dancing Hands Picture Book Companion | Activities for Hispanic Heritage Month

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