

13 Pages
Architecture, Engineering, Seasonal
6th, 7th, 8th
Resource Type
Activities, Projects


The Design & Build a Treehouse STEM Project utilizes allows students to build skills utilizing the engineering design process and CAD along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about treehouse design as well as utilizing math skills. They create a scale model drawing of a treehouse individually using Sketchup (CAD) and brainstorm with their team to determine the best design from their group to actually build a model using specific provided materials that they 'purchase" using a set budget. The goal is to build a safe, attractive treehouse within the specified constraints and within their budget. They present their projects to the class, critiquing the other groups. Finally, they reflect on their learning and the dynamics of their team to complete the project.

Editable (modifiable) files are included so that teachers can modify the supply list to suit the materials they have available and to adapt the project if they choose. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.

Materials Required

Access to computers for each student (or pair of students) with Internet and MS Word (or Google Docs), Sketchup Free (web based free CAD program)
Materials for each group to build model treehouse: craft (popsicle) sticks, toothpicks, string, balsa wood, cardboard (full list is included with the project and can be modified)
White glue
X-acto knives, scissors, rulers and cutting mats
Safety goggles (optional but highly recommended)
Project Duration (approximate)

Overview of the Project & Team Planning: 1-2 (50 minute) class periods
Individual Sketchup/CAD drawing creation: 2-4 (50 minute) class periods
Building treehouse model with group (includes informal testing and revisions):
3-5 (50 minute) class periods
Treehouse Group presentation and critique: 1 (50 minute) class period
Written individual reflection: 1/2 (50 minute) class period

Files Included with this Lesson

Teacher Notes and Resources
Treehouse Project Overview & Expectations
Team Sign Up Sheet
Treehouse Model Building Challenge Expectations (includes Sketchup/CAD assignment)
Architectural Scale and Math Formulas 'Cheat Sheet"
Materials Planning & Price Sheet
Student Project Presentation Critique Form
Material Control Sheet for Teacher
Individual Written Reflection Assignment
The Design & Build a Treehouse STEM Project utilizes allows students to build skills utilizing the engineering design process and CAD along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research information about treehouse... more
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