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"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin Vocabulary Games and Activities
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the short story "Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin. A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: corbeille, disquieting, espousal, exacting, imperious, layette, listlessly, muslin, peignoir, portly, suffuse, sumptuous, toddle, and unwonted. By engaging with these activities, students will: Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
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"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin Quiz and Answer Key
"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin is an example of historical fiction that, when integrated into the English Language Arts classroom, complements American History curricula, as the plot precedes the Civil War and addresses the issue of how race and ethnicity affect one's life experiences in the South. With this multiple choice quiz covering the short story, teachers will be able to evaluate general reading comprehension, promote homework accountability, and save valuable time at home without sacrificing quality in the classroom. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot: Setting How Désirée came to be part of the Valmonde family Armand's initial attitude toward marrying Désirée Madame Valmonde's reaction to the sight of the baby How Armand's treatment of others changes after the birth of his child Désirée's observations of the plantation visitors Désirée's demands of her husband Madame Valmonde's response to a letter from Désirée The final interaction between Armand and Désirée Désirée's final action in the story The fate of Désirée's belongings Armand's surprising discovery
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"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin Close Reading Analysis Worksheet
"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin is an example of historical fiction that, when integrated into the English Language Arts classroom, complements American History curricula, as the plot precedes the Civil War and addresses the issue of how race and ethnicity affect one's life experiences in the South. With this worksheet composed of challenging, text-dependent questions, teachers will help students extend beyond general reading comprehension, exercise close reading analysis skills, and save valuable time at home without sacrificing rigor in the classroom. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will do the following: Articulate what is stated in the text explicitly and implicitly Analyze how complex characters think, interact, and behave Explore character motivations and intentions Apply knowledge of literary devices including irony and foreshadowing Analyze the author's craft, determining how figurative language contributes to storytelling and character development Articulate point of view Make logical inferences about the psychological states of characters Cite textual evidence in support of claims Write ideas with clarity, accuracy, and precision
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8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Assessments, Exam, Quiz, Tests, Worksheets
23 Pages
ELA, Literature & Poetry, Reading & Literacy
Common Core English Language Arts Standards


Evaluate general reading comprehension, facilitate vocabulary development, and encourage analysis of characters and plot with these worksheets and assessments for Kate Chopin's short story "Desiree's Baby." A plot-based quiz, a vocabulary application handout, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, a close reading inference worksheet, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:

Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Choose the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including irony and foreshadowing
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Evaluate general reading comprehension, facilitate vocabulary development, and encourage analysis of characters and plot with these worksheets and assessments for Kate Chopin's short story "Desiree's Baby." A plot-based quiz, a vocabulary application handout, a crossword puzzle, a word search game,... more


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    Yes, answer keys are included.
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"Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin Quiz, Inference Worksheet, and Vocabulary Games (Bundle)

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