Bundled products

GED Social Studies Bell Ringers
25 days worth of Prep Free GED Social Studies Bell Ringers!
Over 100 questions!
Answer Keys included.
A variety of GED Social Studies questions with lots of graphics.
Types of questions included:
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
Some topics questioned include the following:
World War I
World War II
Articles of Confederation
Cold War
3 Branches of Government
Monroe Doctrine
Political Cartoons
The Renaissance
European Crusade
Treaty of Versailles
Line graphs
Marshall Plan
Margaret Thatcher
Great Depression
American Revolution
James Madison
Silk Road
Brown vs. Board of Education
Natural Resources
Rule of Law
Berlin Wall
French Revolution
Iron Curtain
Compass Rose
Winston Churchill
Declaration of Independence
Battle of Waterloo
Trail of Tears
Time Zones
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers
Rosie the Riveter
Manifest Destiny
Gettysburg Address
Pie Charts
Nile River
Bar Graphs
Lewis and Clark
Emancipation Proclamation
Total Pages
52 pages
Answer Key

GED Escape Room: Across America
Escape room designed to help GED students practice valuable skills needed for the GED test. In this scenario, learners are asked to collect state birds from various parts of the country. They must unscramble words, graph points on a coordinate plane, correctly match states to capitals, etc. to get all the clues needed to find all five states and their birds. Can be used for individualized instruction or small group work. GED students learn value information as they collect clues which also require practicing some of their GED skills.
Answer Keys included.
The only prep needed is to cut out 5 cards in the packet.
A fun way to reinforce GED skills needed for the Official GED Test.
Also great for HiSet, SAT, TABE, and other standardized testing or just to add a little instructional variety to classes.
Packet difficulty is moderate, so this packet is also great for Middle School and High School students, including gifted students and Special Needs learners.

GED Escape Room: The Bill of Rights
This is an escape room intended for GED preparation but great for any Social Studies/History class studying the Bill of Rights/Constitution. Students can work as individuals or in small groups. They are tasked with solving 10 puzzles which give them clues to completing the final task, organizing given cards into one pile for each of the 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights.
-- Explanations of the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution with pictures.
-- Real-Life examples of amendments with pictures.
Puzzles included:
word search
complex math problem
word scramble
organizing powers of government branches
hidden message
word and definition match
sentence scramble
Answer Keys included.
Only prep needed is to cut out cards once printed.
Excellent GED preparation as a social studies review and critical thinking exercise.
Promotes team work and problem solving.
Hands-on, whole brain activity.

Analyzing Political Cartoons on Current Events (for the GED Test)
I have created 10 current event political cartoons for students to review along with a political cartoon analysis guide. Many students struggle with understanding the satirical nature of political cartoons, and what makes the cartoons especially difficult is that learners are often expected to know the historical context in which a drawing was created. With this packet, students can begin to better understand the cartoons' ironies, since they should already have knowledge of the subject matter.
This introductory packet is ideal for GED and HiSet students, since they can learn the essence of political cartoons with no historical background needed. Once they have mastered the analysis skill on current event cartoons, they can then be better equipped to understand them when a historical context is needed.
Great for test prep, morning work, Bell Ringers, etc. Answer Key included.

Everything you need to know about United States History for the GED Test
The key points needed to pass the GED test are summarized in this packet along with quizzes for each. Subtopics included:
American Revolution
Civil War and Reconstruction
The Great Depression and New Deal
Civil Rights Movement
Key Amendments to the Constitution
Excellent resource for GED or HiSet Prep.
A no prep packet.
Answer Keys included.

Must-Know World History for the GED Test
Important points your GED students should know about World History including the following subtopics:
Ancient Civilizations
The Middle Ages
Renaissance and Reformation
The Age of Exploration
The Industrial Revolution
World Wars I and II
The Cold War and Decolonization
Contemporary Issues
The packet contains explanations for the above, along with a quiz after each summary section.
Great study prep for GED students but also great for those studying for HiSet or as a middle school and/or high school history review.
No prep. Answer Keys included.
Total Pages
33 pages

Must-Know Economics for the GED Test
This summary gets to the heart of what GED students need to know about Economics for the GED Social Studies test. Help your GED students gain confidence about a tricky subject with this GED Economics review. There are nine key GED Economics subtopics covered:
Opportunity Cost
Market Balance
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Market Structures
Personal Finance
Fiscal and Monetary Policies
International Economics
Economic Indicators
Special Features of this Economics GED packet:
Each key element (subtopics) has a summary of important points for the GED.
A short quiz follows each of the summaries.
There is an Answer Key for each quiz.
This is a no prep packet.

Must-Know Social Studies Vocabulary for the GED Test: Color by Code
Many GED students struggle with the Social Studies GED test because they are not familiar with some of the crucial vocabulary needed to be successful on the GED exam. This packet contains 33 words and definitions that are often used on the GED Social Studies test. Learners use the GED terms to help them decode five worksheets that they then color. In order to know what color to use, students must correctly match each GED word with the correct GED definition. Five color-by-definition worksheets are included in this set.
Studying definitions bores many students, but when using this GED packet, students will stay actively engaged with the material. Because whole-brain learning is utilized, GED students are also much more likely to retain the GED word meanings.
Sure to add some fun to your class while, at the same time, provide a meaningful learning activity.
This packet is no prep. Just print and assign.
Also great for morning work/Bell ringers, homework, independent work, test prep, review, etc.

Must-Know Civics and Government for the GED Test
The key elements of the Civics and Government part of the Social Studies GED test summarized. After each GED Civics and Government summary is a GED quiz on that subtopic followed by quiz answers. Excellent GED review. GED subtopics included:
Government Structures
Constitutional Principles
Civic Responsibilities and Participation
Political processes
Pivotal Historical Documents
Current Events
Global Perspectives
Intended for GED students but also great for homeschooling, high school Social Studies classes and HiSet review.
No prep. Simply print and handout to your GED students to be used as a GED classroom activity, GED test prep, or homework.
Total Pages
25 pages

Must-Know Geography for the GED Test
This packet contains the crucial points GED students need to know for the Geography questions on the GED Social Studies test. Includes four geography subtopics: Physical Geography, Human Geography, Maps and Spatial Data, and Environmental Geography. Each section of this GED prep contains summaries, quizzes, and quiz answers.
Great for a review or to use as a lesson. For your independent GED students, packet can be given as is -- no prep needed. Just print and assign.
Excellent GED test prep.
Some of the items explained are as follows:
wind patterns
biotic components
abiotic components
energy flow
nutrient cycling
natural resources
renewable resources
non-renewable resources
population size and density
birth rate
death rate
life expectancy
fertility rate
population distribution
language and religion
traditions and norms
cultural landscapes
cultural change
cultural diffusion
location of industries
transportation and infrastructure
economic development
electoral geography
economic structures
compass rose
sustainability and resilience
legends and keys
grid system

GED Social Studies Bell Ringers: A 10-Day Review
This is a 10-day review packet for any Social Studies upper level classroom, especially GED preparation. 10 Worksheets with five questions each and answer keys makes this a no prep activity. Some topics included:
Civil War
Industrial Revolution
New Deal
Cold War
Women's Suffrage
Colonial America
Civil Rights
11th, 12th, Adult Ed
Resource Type
Activities, Assignments, Handouts
99+ Pages
History/Social Studies
Not standard specific
he GED Social Studies Ultimate Review Bundle includes 11 GED Social Studies Resources for a thorough review. You will get a set of political cartoons, 5 resources from the Must-Know GED Social Studies series, 1 color-by-code set of GED vocabulary, 2 sets of GED Social Studies Bell Ringers, and 2 GED Social Studies escape rooms.
GED Political Cartoons - 10 never-before-seen cartoons on current events. Includes a lesson on analyzing cartoons and an answer key for interpreting the content.
GED Must-Know Series - Separated into 5 categories students should review for the GED Social Studies test:
Must-Know United States History
Must-Know Civics and Government
Must-Know Economics
Must-Know Geography
Must-Know World History
Each of these resources includes thorough explanations, quizzes, and answer keys.
GED Vocabulary - Contains a list of 33 important Social Studies terms with 5 color-by-code worksheets to give students a hands-on learning application.
GED Bell Ringers - 2 sets for a total of 35 worksheets to begin each day.
GED Escape Rooms - Includes two:
1) Across America: Students review United States geography as they collect state birds from various parts of the country. They must unscramble words, graph points on a coordinate plane, correctly match states to capitals, etc. to get all the clues needed to find all five states and their birds.
2) Bill of Rights: Students are tasked with solving 10 puzzles which give them clues to completing the final task, organizing given cards into one pile for each of the 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights.
-- Explanations of the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution with pictures.
-- Real-Life examples of amendments with pictures.
Puzzles included:
word search (GED skill: skimming and scanning)
complex math problem (GED skill: using a calculator)
word scramble (GED skill: critical thinking)
rebus (GED skill: critical thinking)
organizing powers of government branches (GED skill: SS test content)
hidden message (GED skill: Critical thinking)
word and definition match (GED skill: review and recall)
maze (GED skill: critical thinking)
cryptogram (GED skill: problem solving)
sentence scramble (GED skill: critical thinking)
Answer Keys are included with all resources.
GED Political Cartoons - 10 never-before-seen cartoons on current events. Includes a lesson on analyzing cartoons and an answer key for interpreting the content.
GED Must-Know Series - Separated into 5 categories students should review for the GED Social Studies test:
Must-Know United States History
Must-Know Civics and Government
Must-Know Economics
Must-Know Geography
Must-Know World History
Each of these resources includes thorough explanations, quizzes, and answer keys.
GED Vocabulary - Contains a list of 33 important Social Studies terms with 5 color-by-code worksheets to give students a hands-on learning application.
GED Bell Ringers - 2 sets for a total of 35 worksheets to begin each day.
GED Escape Rooms - Includes two:
1) Across America: Students review United States geography as they collect state birds from various parts of the country. They must unscramble words, graph points on a coordinate plane, correctly match states to capitals, etc. to get all the clues needed to find all five states and their birds.
2) Bill of Rights: Students are tasked with solving 10 puzzles which give them clues to completing the final task, organizing given cards into one pile for each of the 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights.
-- Explanations of the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution with pictures.
-- Real-Life examples of amendments with pictures.
Puzzles included:
word search (GED skill: skimming and scanning)
complex math problem (GED skill: using a calculator)
word scramble (GED skill: critical thinking)
rebus (GED skill: critical thinking)
organizing powers of government branches (GED skill: SS test content)
hidden message (GED skill: Critical thinking)
word and definition match (GED skill: review and recall)
maze (GED skill: critical thinking)
cryptogram (GED skill: problem solving)
sentence scramble (GED skill: critical thinking)
Answer Keys are included with all resources.
he GED Social Studies Ultimate Review Bundle includes 11 GED Social Studies Resources for a thorough review. You will get a set of political cartoons, 5 resources from the Must-Know GED Social Studies series, 1 color-by-code set of GED vocabulary,... more