

Math, Life Skills, Special Education
Not standard specific
1 Page
Resource Type
Activities, Task Cards


Using the grocery store to practice functional math and reading skills is a great way for students to practice life skills they will need in the real world. These task cards provide students with a wide range of real-world relevant prompts to look through that they might see at the grocery store or in grocery ads.

This activity is specifically formatted to be used with Google Drive and is compatible with Google Classroom. Google Drive is an amazing resource that many educators are now using as an interface to support 1:1 digital instruction in the classroom. I pair it up with Google Classroom (a free website) that allows me to digitally send each student in my class a copy of the worksheets that they later submit to me for grading. It is an amazing paper-free process and the kids LOVE working on these worksheets on the computer.

Are you interested in the PRINTABLE version of these task cards? CLICK HERE

A total of two levels are provided for this purchase. The first level has students calculate the total when purchasing multiple of the same kind of item. The second level has students calculate the price for individual items that are presented in the format as "3 for $5". There are 25 task cards included for each level, a total of 50 task cards in all!

This download would also be great to incorporate into IEP goals:

"By MM/DD/YYYY, when given a randomly selected grocery item and asked to calculate the cost for multiple of those items, STUDENT will calculate the correct total from ___% accuracy to ___% on at least 3 separate trials, as measured by classroom based assessments"

By MM/DD/YYYY, when given the price of an item using the following format (3 for $5), STUDENT can calculate the total cost for one item from ___% accuracy to ___% accuracy on at least 3 separate trials, as measured by classroom based assessments

Purchase Includes DIGITAL ACCESS To:

25 task cards where students are asked to calculate the price for buying multiple of the same item
25 task cards where students are asked to calculate the total cost for one item when it is priced in the following type of format (3 for $5, etc.)
Using the grocery store to practice functional math and reading skills is a great way for students to practice life skills they will need in the real world. These task cards provide students with a wide range of real-world relevant... more
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