18 Pages
English, Hebrew
Not subject specific
Resource Type
Curriculum, Handouts, Worksheets
Not grade specific
Not standard specific
Haftorah Self-learning Guided Packets for Parshas Bo. The Haftarah is from Navi Yirmiyahu and discusses what will happen to Paroh and Nevuchadnetzar.
Help your students "Take the Haftorah to Heart" ❤️ with these evergrowingeducator guided packets. Students can learn it on their own (great for early finishers!), as extra credit, with buddies or you can teach it as a Friday extra!
The file comes with three versions: the standard version, the Hebrew version (Hebrew words written in Hebrew) and the teacher's guide.
This product is for school-wide use.
Help your students "Take the Haftorah to Heart" ❤️ with these evergrowingeducator guided packets. Students can learn it on their own (great for early finishers!), as extra credit, with buddies or you can teach it as a Friday extra!
The file comes with three versions: the standard version, the Hebrew version (Hebrew words written in Hebrew) and the teacher's guide.
This product is for school-wide use.
Haftorah Self-learning Guided Packets for Parshas Bo. The Haftarah is from Navi Yirmiyahu and discusses what will happen to Paroh and Nevuchadnetzar. Help your students "Take the Haftorah to Heart" ❤️ with these evergrowingeducator guided packets. Students can learn it... more