

6 Pages
Visual Arts, English as a Second Language (ESL), Spelling & Vocabulary
Kindergarten, Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Adult Ed, Higher Ed
Resource Type
Assessments, Games, Word Walls


Rationale: The purpose of this K-12 art studio game is to practice and identify academic vocabulary in works of art in a non-threatening, fun, and collaborative environment. "Quack-a-demic Vocabulary" which artists listen for academic vocabulary during my large group lessons and say, "Quack! Quack!" when they hear a word in use. We use this as a platform for discussion during instruction. All of these components are crucial elements in my program which allow me to assess their language acquisition and application. Because I use the same structure and games for all age levels, the artists are able to see their progress against the entire scope of their elementary school experience, and can reflect upon their own language growth. This game provides artists the scaffolding and practice they need in order to complete their summative assessment. Quack-a-demic #hashtag Vocab GAME, allows artists to #hashtag famous classic and contemporary works of art which portray obvious examples of each particular #hashtag vocabulary word. Through this activity, they will be exposed to culturally relevant and diverse contemporary artists, as well. As the artists #hashtag this artwork, they will be summarizing, classifying, and categorizing the materials, tools, processes, elements, principles, and purposes for making art. The activity is designed for K-12 artists to use along with the #hashtag Vocab ART ASSESSMENT Activity which is available separately, and contains comprehensive vocabulary lists. For beginning artists, artists with special needs, and artists learning English, I have created color-coded visuals for the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design as an anchor.

Procedure: Artists will have a choice to play "Quack-a-demic #hashtag Vocab" at the carpet with friends after they complete their art objectives for the day. They will find these Elements of Art #hashtag Vocab cards in one of the Investigation Station bins. There will six sets of identical cards with visual cues on each one, so they may choose how many decks to use depending on the number of artists playing. They sit in a circle, lay the #hashtag Vocab cards in the center of the group, and set a timer for two minutes to #hashtag their piece of art. As they observe the artwork on the Smart TV or posters under the digital camera, they will try to take the #hashtag Vocab card that applies to the displayed work, and be able to rationalize and articulate the reason they chose their hashtag. Discussion and awarding of one point per word will begin when the cards are gone, or when the two-minute timer has finished. Once the scores have been recorded, students will lay the cards in the center once again and view a new piece of artwork on the Smart TV. This cross-curricular activity also supports citing evidence, a skill which they must utilize in their language arts classes.

This game can be played remotely, as well by displaying the images to the entire group, and allowing them to #hashtag the chosen work by writing the words they select from the vocabulary lists on a dry erase board. For an extra challenge, similar to the game Boggle, they can cross off words that others share which forces them to be original in the words they choose. Points can be awarded for number of correct words or original words. Any student who is challenged must be able to defend their choice of a #hashtag. If they cannot provide evidence of their #hashtag in the work, they will not earn a point.
Rationale: The purpose of this K-12 art studio game is to practice and identify academic vocabulary in works of art in a non-threatening, fun, and collaborative environment. "Quack-a-demic Vocabulary" which artists listen for academic vocabulary during my large group lessons... more
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