Bundled products

Life As We Knew It Chapter 14 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond general comprehension, practice critical thinking skills, and explore literary elements with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 14 of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, a dystopian science fiction and coming-of-age novel. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this exercise, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Explore how complex characters think, behave, develop, and interact
Analyze differences and nuances in word meanings
Explore cause-and-effect relationships
Consider relevant themes in the context of the diary entry
Apply knowledge of literary devices such as simile, metaphor, and foreshadowing
Articulate the intended effect of a figurative expression
Write about literature with clarity and precision
Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity. It may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft.

Life As We Knew It Chapter 13 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond general comprehension, practice critical thinking skills, and explore literary elements with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 13 of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, a dystopian science fiction and coming-of-age novel. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this exercise, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Analyze how complex characters develop and interact
Explore the significance of a given detail
Analyze differences and nuances in word meanings
Explore character motivations
Determine the tone of a given quote
Apply knowledge of literary devices such as symbolism
Write about literature with clarity and precision
Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity. It may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft.

Life As We Knew It Chapter 12 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond general comprehension, practice critical thinking skills, and explore literary elements with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 12 of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, a dystopian science fiction and coming-of-age novel. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this exercise, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Explore how complex characters develop and interact
Apply knowledge of literary devices such as hyperbole, simile, personification, and more
Explain the intended meaning of a figurative expression
Explain the irony associated with a character's behavior
Write ideas with clarity and precision
Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity. It may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft.

Life As We Knew It Chapter 11 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond general comprehension, practice critical thinking skills, and explore literary elements with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 11 of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, a dystopian science fiction and coming-of-age novel. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this exercise, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Analyze how complex characters develop and interact
Explore character motivations
Apply knowledge of literary devices such as metaphor
Determine the most applicable theme to the passage
Make logical inferences in the context of the passage
Analyze differences between and nuances of a set of adjectives
Defend a claim with sound reasoning and textual evidence
Write ideas with clarity and precision
Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity. It may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft.

Life As We Knew It Chapters 11 through 14 Quiz and Answer Key
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this set of quizzes on Life As We Knew It, a dystopian young adult novel by Susan Beth Pfeffer, with emphasis on chapters eleven through fourteen. A multiple choice assessment is provided, as well as a subjective version. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. Questions pertain to the following important details:
Miranda's retrieval of books, notebooks, and pens
Miranda's behavior that infuriates Mom
Dad's letters highlighting life outside Howell, PA
Miranda biking to the hospital
Mrs. Nesbitt's backstory
Miranda and Matt's visit to the library
The family's decision to burn something in the woodfire
Matt bringing sad news from the post office
The hypocrisy of Reverend Marshall
Miranda's belief that she only has one gift to give her mother
Ice skating at the pond
6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Assessments, Exam, Quiz, Tests, Worksheets
24 Pages
ELA, Literature & Poetry, Modern & Contemporary Literature
Common Core English Language Arts Standards
Challenge middle and high school students to go beyond basic reading comprehension and exercise close reading analysis skills while engaging with Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. This bundle covers chapters 11 through 14 and includes a multiple choice quiz, a short answer alternate assessment, close reading analysis activities, and answer keys. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. By engaging with these resources, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Examine nuances in word meanings
Explore how complex characters think, behave, develop, and interact
Apply knowledge of literary devices including simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, foreshadowing, symbolism, and situational irony
Explore cause-and-effect relationships
Discern tone in context
Determine the most applicable theme to a given passage
Support claims with relevant textual evidence and reasoning
Write ideas with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly
Examine nuances in word meanings
Explore how complex characters think, behave, develop, and interact
Apply knowledge of literary devices including simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, foreshadowing, symbolism, and situational irony
Explore cause-and-effect relationships
Discern tone in context
Determine the most applicable theme to a given passage
Support claims with relevant textual evidence and reasoning
Write ideas with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Challenge middle and high school students to go beyond basic reading comprehension and exercise close reading analysis skills while engaging with Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. This bundle covers chapters 11 through 14 and includes a... more
Are answer keys included?
Yes, answer keys are included.