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Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Quiz and Answer Key
Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning duties with this plot-based quiz covering Act 1 of William Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. The assessment may double as a guided reading handout to facilitate active engagement with the text. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By taking this assessment, students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
The news Leonato receives
Beatrice's relation to Leonato
Claudio's romantic interest
Don Pedro's offer to Claudio
Hero's relation to Leonato
Don John's relation to Don Pedro
Conrade's interactions with Don John
The quality Don John values most
Borachio's discovery and the method by which he made it
The cause of Don John's bitterness toward Don Pedro

Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Scene 3 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet
Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 1, scene 3, of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly
Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare's word choices and dramatic techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare two characters (Don John and Benedick)
Apply knowledge of literary devices including personification, hyperbole, pun, alliteration, dramatic irony, and more
Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Scene 2 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet
Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 1, scene 2, of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly
Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare's word choices and dramatic techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Scene 1 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet
Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 1, scene 1, of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly
Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare's word choices and dramatic techniques
Describe tone in context
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare two characters (Beatrice and Benedick)
Apply knowledge of literary devices including hyperbole, juxtaposition, allusion, metaphor, and symbolism
Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence
Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Vocabulary Games for High School
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Act 1 of William Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. A vocabulary application worksheet, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: abide, accordant, alter, amorous, bestow, decree, flout, heartily, needful, obstinate, pernicious, predestinate, salve, skirmish, squire, subdue, tax, temporize, thither, treatise, valiant, victual, and vilely.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Assessments, Exam, Quiz, Tests, Worksheets
26 Pages
ELA, Literature & Poetry, Shakespeare
Common Core English Language Arts Standards
Evaluate general reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and craft analysis skills with this bundle of formative assessments covering Act 1 of William Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. A plot-based quiz, three close reading worksheets (one per scene), a vocabulary application activity, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these activities, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Determine the meanings of unfamiliar and archaic words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Infer the intended effects of the author's stylistic choices and dramatic techniques
Describe tone in context
Examine how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare characters (Beatrice and Benedick; Don John and Benedick)
Apply knowledge of literary devices including personification, pun, hyperbole, juxtaposition, allusion, metaphor, dramatic irony, and more
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Be better prepared to engage in collaborative discussions about Shakespeare's comedy
Read for literal comprehension
Determine the meanings of unfamiliar and archaic words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Infer the intended effects of the author's stylistic choices and dramatic techniques
Describe tone in context
Examine how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare characters (Beatrice and Benedick; Don John and Benedick)
Apply knowledge of literary devices including personification, pun, hyperbole, juxtaposition, allusion, metaphor, dramatic irony, and more
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Be better prepared to engage in collaborative discussions about Shakespeare's comedy
Evaluate general reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and craft analysis skills with this bundle of formative assessments covering Act 1 of William Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. A plot-based quiz, three close reading worksheets (one... more
Are answer keys included?
Yes, answer keys are included.