23 Pages
Computer programming, Engineering, Science
Resource Type
Curriculum, Workbooks
*You must have Project Lead the Way to use this resource!*
As much as I love PLTW Launch, the Launch Logs need some work. I've done that work for you! Each of my Launch Logs follow the Introduction Story, Activities 1-3, the Project and Problem. They are similar to grades PreK-2 Launch Logs instead of a bunch of graph paper.
As much as I love PLTW Launch, the Launch Logs need some work. I've done that work for you! Each of my Launch Logs follow the Introduction Story, Activities 1-3, the Project and Problem. They are similar to grades PreK-2 Launch Logs instead of a bunch of graph paper.
*You must have Project Lead the Way to use this resource!* As much as I love PLTW Launch, the Launch Logs need some work. I've done that work for you! Each of my Launch Logs follow the Introduction Story, Activities... more