

7 Pages
Science, Biology
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Curriculum, Printables, Professional


Unsure where to begin with your Scientific Method unit? Looking for some guidance with the introductory lessons of your science course? Something that gives you a place to start while also leaving you room to make the unit your own?

This unit map is designed to provide you with the highlights of an academic unit on the nature of science, explored through the scientific method. Someone who needs a place to start but enjoys personalizing instructional materials or is working without existing curricula will find this guide to be extremely useful. Whether you're a new or experienced teacher, this resource will be a helpful starting point in planning for the school year!

The Scientific Method Unit Map can be adapted to multiple grades and courses, allowing you to decrease your planning time by taking advantage of the same foundation for multiple classes. This will also allow you to align course content across grade levels or the sciences. The map contains the following sections:
- [Sample] Schedule
- Key Foci [of the unit]
- Unit Length
- Key Vocabulary
- [Student] Objectives
- [Suggested] Assessed Performances [for your gradebook]
- Pedagogical Notes
- [Miscellaneous] Things to Keep in Mind

With this product, you don't have to stress about whether your plans correspond with the Next Generation Science Standards, as this map is based on the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices. Furthermore, you can avoid the difficult task of gleaning practical details from state standards or large curriculum maps, guessing at the duration of the unit and where it falls into the academic calendar, and creating a neat and concise document that you can use and revise in years moving forward.

So what are you waiting for? Get your school year started and let this product work for you!

Product Details:

Grade Level: 9th " 12th

Possible Courses: Honors Biology and other sciences

NGSS Alignment: Science and Engineering Practices 3-6; AP Biology Science Practices 3-6

File Type: PDF, Word Document, Google Document

Included in Download:
- Unit map in PDF, Word Document (editable), and Google Document (editable) formats
- Teacher Notes on unit planning
- Font Information
- Terms of Use Agreement

Please note: The Word document in this resources uses Raleway font, which is a Google font available for both personal and commercial use. It can be obtained for free online, and information on how to do so is provided in the download. If you choose not to use Raleway, the document text may need to be adjusted for size.

License Agreement: Single classroom use by original purchaser

Happy teaching,
Sarah Lynn Science
Unsure where to begin with your Scientific Method unit? Looking for some guidance with the introductory lessons of your science course? Something that gives you a place to start while also leaving you room to make the unit your own?... more
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