

12 Pages
Social Emotional
Resource Type
Activities, Printables, Worksheets
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Social Emotional
Relationship Skills, Social-Awareness


☆ 12 pages
☆ Topic: Emotion Regulation / Controlling Your Emotions
☆ Print and Digital (PDF and Google Slides - Text boxes already created!)
☆ Excellent for mature 8th graders - High School Students
☆ Suggested Responses included
☆ Uneditable due to copyright purposes

This resource includes:
☆ 3 VARIATION #1 Emotion Regulation Activity Worksheets (Graphic Organizer-style)
☆ 6 VARIATION #2 Emotion Regulation Activity Worksheets (Writing Response-style)
☆ ANSWER KEYS (for Variation #1 Worksheets)
☆ Google Slides link

***This resource is also included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each slide includes two instruction solution tabs to assist students who accidentally delete text boxes and/or when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.

When people do things we don't like, we get upset, angry, hurt, and/or disappointed because they don't act or behave in a manner that we want or expect them to. Sometimes, we try to force or manipulate them into acting and behaving a certain way. We need to give up on trying to control others by letting them make their own decisions and verbalizing and dealing with our disappointments in an appropriate manner.

It is important for teenagers to understand that the way they react and respond to situations can either add fuel to the fire or diffuse tension, resolve conflict, and minimize negative emotions. Teaching teens how to respond appropriately to situations both verbally and nonverbally, even when they are angry, hurt, and disappointed can greatly help them prevent conflicts from escalating.

These THREE activities will give students to practice managing their disappointments, anger, and concerns in an appropriate manner. Students will practice expressing their concerns, disappointments, or feelings in a way that is mature and respectful.

This resource features a total of 6 real-life, highly relevant scenarios that come in the following variations:

Variation #1 - Graphic Organizer-style with example - A worksheet that includes a total of two scenarios and an example of how NOT to respond in the given situations. Students will, instead, determine appropriate and mature ways to respond in such situations. (Variation #1 worksheets include a total of 3 worksheets / 2 scenarios on each worksheet.) Answer Keys are included for this variation.

Variation #2 - Writing Response-style - Worksheets that include one scenario (***the SAME scenarios in VARIATION #1 worksheets). This variation is a writing response-style worksheet. (Variation #2 worksheets include a total of 6 worksheets and the SAME exact scenarios in Variation #1 worksheets!) Students read the scenario and answer the following question:

How would you manage your emotions in this situation? How would you express your concern, disappointment, or feelings in a way that is mature and respectful?

***Lesson plans are not included. These activity worksheets can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.

Created by © Queen's Educational Resources
Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
[email protected]
ABOUT THIS RESOURCE ☆ 12 pages ☆ Topic: Emotion Regulation / Controlling Your Emotions ☆ Print and Digital (PDF and Google Slides - Text boxes already created!) ☆ Excellent for mature 8th graders - High School Students ☆ Suggested Responses... more
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SEL - Emotion Regulation Activity Worksheets (Print and Digital)

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