

65 Pages
Resource Type
Activities, Printables
Early Intervention
Not grade specific


The challenges that children with autism have can make toilet training especially difficult for families. Many parents are eager to begin but feel overwhelmed and at a loss for how to start toilet training a young child who may not present the traditional readiness skills. Children's unusual sensory preferences or aversions, limited imitation skills, motor planning delays, resistance to changes, and communication or language delays make autism potty training particularly challenging. Ideally therapists or teachers would be able to go into the home and tackle toileting goals with the family, however, many teachers or ABA therapists may not find it practical or possible to do this. This kit is designed to be easy enough to send home for caregivers to utilize independently or in conjunction with a specialist. I've used this method for many years with much success even with children who showed few if any of the traditional toilet training 'readiness" skills. This kit details an intensive toilet training method that usually takes 4-7 days to complete. After completing the toilet training, most children are able to remain dry in underwear and go to the bathroom when taken during the day but may not yet be initiating going to the bathroom or getting up at night to use the bathroom. This kit provides parents with visual supports, learning materials, and a step-by-step guide to intensive toilet training their child with special needs.

⭐️Toilet training guide for families including
· Considerations/Tips
· Detailed steps
· Supply list with photos
⭐️ Social Skills Story to explain process to child
⭐️Interactive book to reinforce concepts from social narrative
⭐️Toilet visual for boys and girls to show bathroom routine
⭐️ Easy to use data sheets for before potty training, during, and after
⭐️ First/then visual support with pictures
⭐️Sticker charts for boy and girl (3, 6, and 9 spots)
⭐️Bathroom communication cards (to request)
⭐️ Labels for toilet training day materials

❤️Thank you so much for buying this resource!

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Terms of Use: By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you agree to the following terms. For personal use/single classroom use only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited, or resold.
Total Pages
65 pages
The challenges that children with autism have can make toilet training especially difficult for families. Many parents are eager to begin but feel overwhelmed and at a loss for how to start toilet training a young child who may not... more
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