

49 Pages
Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Activities, Printables, Reading Passages
Next Generation Science Standards


This bundle includes 28 resources for grade 9-12 about Structure and Function including: Reading, Color Diagrams, and NGSS Performance Tasks (49 pages total).

Resources included in this Next Generation Science Standards Bundle:
• Cells, DNA, and Proteins - Next Generation Science Standards and Rubric Building Resource (2 Pages)
1) Cells, DNA, and Protein Synthesis - Reading (1 Page)
2) DNA, Chromosomes, and Genes - Reading (1 Page)
3) The Location of DNA, Chromosomes, and Genes - Diagram (1 Page)
4) How the Structure of DNA Determines the Structure of Proteins - Diagram (1 Page)
5) Replication - Reading and Diagram (1 Page)
6) Transcription - Reading and Diagram (1 Page)
7) Translation - Reading and Diagram (1 Page)
8) Transcription to Protein Synthesis Diagram (1 Page)
9) DNA to Protein Molecule - Reading and Illustrated Diagram (1 Page)
10) The Genetic Code - What Exactly is it? - Reading and Diagram (1 Page)
11) DNA to Protein Molecule - Vocabulary Assessment with Answer Key (2 pages)
12) DNA Structure and Proteins Synthesis - Info-Poster Making Activity (1 Page)
• Modeling the Organization of the Body - Next Generation Science Standards and Rubric Building Resource (2 Pages)
13) Hierarchical Organization of Interacting Organ Systems - Reading (1 Page)
14) The Four Basic Tissue Types Of The Human Body - Diagram (1 Page)
15) Organization of the Body - Body Systems Diagram (1 Page)
16) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Integumentary System - Reading and Diagram (2 Pages)
17) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Skeletal System - Reading and Diagram (2 Pages)
18) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Muscular System - Reading and Diagram (2 Pages)
19) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Nervous System - Reading and Diagram (2 Pages)
20) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Digestive System - Reading and Diagram (2 Pages)
21) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Respiratory System - Reading and Diagram (2 Pages)
22) Organization and the Structure and Function of the Circulatory System - Reading and Diagram (3 Pages)
23) Interacting Body Systems - Model Making Activity with Key/Diagram (2 Pages)
• Feedback Mechanisms - Next Generation Science Standards and Rubric Building Resource (2 Pages)
24) Feedback Mechanisms Maintain Living Systems - Reading and Diagram (1 Page)
25) Feedback Response - Withdrawal Reflexes (1 Page)
26) Feedback Mechanism - Investigation (1 Page)
27) Feedback Mechanisms that Lower and Raises Blood Sugar (Glucose) - Diagrams/Answer Keys to Assignment (2 Pages) 28) Feedback Mechanisms for Body Cooling and Preserving Body Heat - Diagrams/Answer Keys to Assignment (3 Pages)
This bundle includes 28 resources for grade 9-12 about Structure and Function including: Reading, Color Diagrams, and NGSS Performance Tasks (49 pages total). Resources included in this Next Generation Science Standards Bundle: • Cells, DNA, and Proteins - Next Generation... more
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