4 Pages
Resource Type
Activities, Incentives, Organizers
ELA, Reading & Literacy, Reading Comprehension & Learning
Not grade specific
It's so important to keep kids reading during the summer and my reading log bundle will make it that much easier for busy parents and students! The bundle includes a reading log to keep track of the books read as well as a note taking page where students can keep track of important characters, plots, settings, etc and make notes of what they find most interesting! There is a monthly punch card/reward chart where the parent or teacher can set their own goals for the student and determine what and how often they are rewarded for reading! Lastly, there is a fun mad libs story sheet thrown in to add a little creativity and fun to your student's summer reading activities!
It's so important to keep kids reading during the summer and my reading log bundle will make it that much easier for busy parents and students! The bundle includes a reading log to keep track of the books read as... more