

53 Pages
Phonics, Reading Comprehension & Learning, Reading Interventions
1st, 2nd
Resource Type
Activities, Lesson Plans, Worksheets
Common Core English Language Arts Standards


Are you ready to embark on a journey that will unlock the mysteries of diphthongs for your students? Look no further! Super Advanced Phonics Level A Unit 4 is your ultimate guide to help your students master the art of reading and spelling words with the diphthongs ou and ow.

Gone are the days of uncertainty and confusion in phonics instruction! With Super Advanced Phonics, you'll breeze through 5 step by step lesson plans, each designed to provide clear, structured guidance. No more guessing games " just follow the script and watch your students soar!

But this unit isn't just effective, it's also budget-friendly and requires minimal prep time. Say goodbye to endless hours of planning and hello to hassle-free phonics teaching!

What's Included in this Unit?
✅ 5 Scripted Lessons
✅ 20 Worksheets with Decoding, Spelling & Fluency Practice
✅ High Frequency Word Practice
✅ 1 Assessment
✅ 3 Comprehension Passages:
✤ Fable - The Lion and the Mouse (Greece)
✤ Nonfiction Text - Flowers
✤ Folktale - The Three Little Pigs (England)
✅ 1 Crossword Puzzle
✅ 1 Reader's Theater Script " The Three Little Pigs (England)
✅ 5 Printable Flash Cards

Perfect for whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, and even homeschool.

Super Advanced Phonics Level A Unit 4 Lesson Sequence:
1. Diphthongs 1: ou
2. High Frequency Words: around, animal, and answer
3. Diphthongs 2: ow
4. Diphthongs 3: ou & ow
5. Review & Checkup: Review Activities & Assessment

Developed in alignment with the Science of Reading best practices, this unit was created by an expert reading teacher and former district curriculum writer to cover the second grade Common Core State Standards for foundational skills with general education students. However, Super Advanced Phonics can also be used effectively as a remedial intervention with older learners or as enrichment for younger students.

Try the first lesson by downloading: FREE PHONICS LESSON: DIPHTHONG OU!

So, are you ready to revolutionize your phonics instruction? Dive into Super Advanced Phonics Level A Unit 4 and empower your students to conquer diphthongs like never before!

Common Core State Standards:
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words (e.g., cage -> badge; boy -> boil).

Terms of Use:
All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me directly at: [email protected]

Thanks so much,
Paula Plumer
Waltzing Blossom Literacy
Are you ready to embark on a journey that will unlock the mysteries of diphthongs for your students? Look no further! Super Advanced Phonics Level A Unit 4 is your ultimate guide to help your students master the art of... more
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Super Advanced Phonics for Diphthongs ou & ow | Science of Reading Aligned | 1st & 2nd Grades

Paula Plumer