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The Adventures of Ulysses Chapter 16 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 16 of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin ("The Return"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare two characters (Athene and Ulysses)
Apply knowledge of literary devices including epiphany
Consider themes that are reinforced in a given passage
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction

The Adventures of Ulysses Chapter 15 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 15 of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin ("Nausicaa"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Identify the tone of dialogue in context
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Analyze the symbolism of snakes in the context of Nausicaa's dream
Apply knowledge of literary devices including assonance
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction

The Adventures of Ulysses Chapter 13 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 13 of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin ("Calypso"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare characters
Apply knowledge of literary devices including assonance and understatement
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction

The Adventures of Ulysses Chapter 8 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 8 of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin ("The Land of the Dead"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including situational irony and sibilance
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction

The Adventures of Ulysses Chapter 7 Close Reading Inference Worksheet and Answer Key
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a passage from chapter 7 of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin ("Circe"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Reflect on the relationship between setting and Ulysses' psychological state
Discern the greater significance of a white deer's appearance in context
Apply knowledge of literary devices with emphasis on personification
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction

The Adventures of Ulysses Chapters 4 through 6 Close Reading Inference Worksheet
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a portion of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin: chapters 4, 5, and 6 ("The Cyclops' Cave," "Keeper of the Winds," and "Cannibal Beach"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Select the best synonym for a word as it is used in the text
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Locate relevant textual details in support of the claim that Ulysses was the only crew member with the ability to think critically in the face of danger
Apply knowledge of literary devices including foreshadowing, dramatic irony, and simile
Apply knowledge of sound devices including sibilance
Write ideas with clarity, accuracy, and precision

The Adventures of Ulysses Chapters 1 through 3 Close Reading Inference Worksheet
Help middle and high school students go beyond basic comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering a portion of The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin: the prologue through chapter 3 ("The Lotus Eaters"). An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Select the best synonym for a word as it is used in the text
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices with emphasis on foreshadowing
6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Resource Type
Activities, Assessments, Worksheets
45 Pages
ELA, Literature & Poetry, Classic Literature
Common Core English Language Arts Standards
Challenge middle and high school students to go beyond basic reading comprehension, sharpen critical thinking skills, and engage in literary craft analysis with this set of close reading inference worksheets covering several passages from The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin. Each activity is rigorous enough for students to find deeper meaning in the novel, yet convenient enough for teachers to quickly gather data pertaining to textual analysis skills. Seven worksheets are provided, as well as answer keys. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By the end of the novel, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Describe tone in context
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare and contrast characters
Apply knowledge of various literary devices including foreshadowing, personification, simile, epiphany, understatement, symbolism, situational irony, and dramatic irony
Explore themes in context
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Infer the intended effects of the author's word choices and narrative techniques
Describe tone in context
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Compare and contrast characters
Apply knowledge of various literary devices including foreshadowing, personification, simile, epiphany, understatement, symbolism, situational irony, and dramatic irony
Explore themes in context
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Challenge middle and high school students to go beyond basic reading comprehension, sharpen critical thinking skills, and engage in literary craft analysis with this set of close reading inference worksheets covering several passages from The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard... more
Are answer keys included?
Yes, answer keys are included.