19 Pages
Seasonal, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Education
Kindergarten, Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Adult Ed, Higher Ed
Resource Type
Activities, Fun, Games
Happy Fall!!!!!Due to the recent need for virtual learning this game may be both a fun and practical way to learn WH questions. It can also be played individually or as a group in the classroom. NOTE:It has to be in PowerPoint Presentation Mode to work. Also, the examples are the same examples from the What Object book and task cards to maintain consistency. (array of three pictures)
Students will match objects to WH Function questions.
includes: What does...?
-A witch wears this on her head... (witch hat)
-A werewolf howls at this.... (moon)
-People carve this around Halloween (a pumpkin)
-You pet this... (black cat)
-You eat this on Halloween... (candy corn)
-People wear this on Halloween... (costume)
Pictures include:
black cat
witch hat
candy corn
boy in costume
Students will match objects to WH Function questions.
includes: What does...?
-A witch wears this on her head... (witch hat)
-A werewolf howls at this.... (moon)
-People carve this around Halloween (a pumpkin)
-You pet this... (black cat)
-You eat this on Halloween... (candy corn)
-People wear this on Halloween... (costume)
Pictures include:
black cat
witch hat
candy corn
boy in costume
Happy Fall!!!!!Due to the recent need for virtual learning this game may be both a fun and practical way to learn WH questions. It can also be played individually or as a group in the classroom. NOTE:It has to be... more