26 Pages
History/Social Studies, Sociology
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Adult Ed, Higher Ed
Resource Type
The universe loves zines, which Wikipedia defines as "small-circulation self-published work[s] of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via a copy machine."
The universe has a law: "Zines rock!"
This law compels us to act.
So I am doing my part by creating a poetry volume proclaiming "Zines rock!"
So kindly do your part and acquire this volume.
26 pages; 25 poems.
The universe has a law: "Zines rock!"
This law compels us to act.
So I am doing my part by creating a poetry volume proclaiming "Zines rock!"
So kindly do your part and acquire this volume.
26 pages; 25 poems.
The universe loves zines, which Wikipedia defines as "small-circulation self-published work[s] of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via a copy machine." The universe has a law: "Zines rock!" This law compels us to act. So I am... more