Sara Blankenship
@sara-blankenshipI teach third grade at a Title 1 school in Georgia, and I love my job! More to the point, I love my students and want the absolute best for them. If you know anything about teaching, you know that it isn't the highest paycheck one could receive. If you know anything about teachers, you know that we don't do it for the money. Yet, money is something we desperately need to give our students every advantage they can possibly have in this life. No one ever promised us it would be easy. They simply promised it would be worth it(I'm pretty sure Dr. Seuss should get credit for that line). I teach third grade at a Title 1 school in Georgia, and I love my job! More to the point, I love my students and want the absolute best for... read more
Fundraiser for Sara BlankenshipEnds Mar, 14th, 2023 $0/$568.00 goal