
In the United States, education is a right afforded to every student.

However, this right is not always equally available to all students. Socioeconomic status (SES) has been shown to play a significant role in how well students do in school and whether or not they graduate high school. In this article, we will explain what socioeconomic status is and how it affects education. We will also discuss what can be done about the problem of low achievement among low-income students.

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What is the socioeconomic status?

Socioeconomic status (SES) measures an individual or family’s social class or economic status. It can be described as the combination of an individual’s or family’s income, education level, and occupation. The three components are often used to determine SES, as they are all related.

Socioeconomic status can impact education because it affects academic achievement and school attendance. Students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to have lower test scores and less access to school resources than those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds.

How socioeconomic status affects children

Here are a few ways socioeconomic status affects children:

1. Psychological health

Children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to suffer from psychological problems, including anxiety, depression, and aggression. They may be more prone to these issues because of the circumstances surrounding their lives, for example, if they live in an area with a high crime rate or if they go to school in a neighborhood where there is evidence of poverty. This can have a significant impact on educational outcomes as children who are struggling with psychological issues are less likely to do well in school and are more likely to drop out before graduating high school.

2. Physical health

In the United States, people with lower socioeconomic status tend to have less access to medical care and healthy foods than people with higher SES. They also tend to live in more polluted neighborhoods and have less access to recreational facilities. People with lower SES are more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol excessively, and participate in risky behaviors.

Children from poor families have poorer nutrition than wealthier families because they often live in areas where fast food restaurants are more typical, and fresh fruits and vegetables are harder to come by and more expensive. They also tend not to get enough sleep because their parents work long hours or live in crowded homes with many family members who stay late at night. This lack of quality sleep can lead children into a vicious cycle of poor sleep habits that continue into adulthood.

3. Education

In the United States, there is a clear connection between socioeconomic status and education. Children from lower socioeconomic families are more likely to have lower educational attainment than children from higher socioeconomic families. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

The most obvious reason is that children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to be able to afford the resources needed for learning. These resources include educational software and materials, as well as access to the internet or other means of communication with other students in their school district or countrywide. Children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds have better access to resources, while those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds do not. This means that they could be at a disadvantage regarding their education.

Another reason children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to have lower educational attainment is that they often come from homes where parents have less education and therefore don’t know how best to help them succeed in school or aspire to get into college. Parents who are educated themselves know what skills are needed for success in school (such as reading comprehension) and how best to teach those skills. Parents who aren’t as well educated may not realize this, making it harder for them to help their kids succeed academically.

4. Family well-being

Children raised in a loving, supportive environment have a better chance of becoming healthy and productive adults. But the socioeconomic status of their families is a key factor in determining how well-adjusted they are.

Children from low-income families are more likely to be exposed to violence and poverty, leading to mental health issues such as PTSD and depression. Children who grow up with parents struggling with substance abuse or addiction are also at risk for developing similar problems.

5. Academic achievement

Socioeconomic status has been shown to have a direct effect on academic achievement. Low socioeconomic status children are more likely to be held back in school, less likely to attend college or complete college than their higher-income peers, and generally less likely to achieve higher levels of education.

In addition to affecting academic achievement, socioeconomic status also affects how well students perform on standardized tests. Students from lower-income families tend to score lower on tests like the SAT or ACT than wealthier families do.

6. Career aspirations

Socioeconomic status affects career aspirations in several ways. Children from low-income backgrounds are less likely to be able to pursue an education that will prepare them for a professional career and are, therefore, less likely to become professionals later in life.

Second, children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to lack the resources that would allow them to explore different careers and help them determine what they might enjoy doing. This can lead to people staying in their jobs longer than they would like or settling for careers that they don’t find fulfilling. Children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to have negative experiences with their education, which can affect their desire to continue pursuing education after high school or college.

Overcoming low achievement rates among students of low socioeconomic status

Many students from low socioeconomic backgrounds have difficulty achieving success in school. Many factors contribute to this, but there are ways to overcome them. One way is by making sure students have the tools they need to succeed, including a quiet place to study and access to computers with internet access. These resources can be challenging for families of lower socioeconomic status, so teachers must do what they can to help their students access these things.

Another way is by creating a positive culture in the classroom. Students who work hard and believe in themselves tend to see more success than those who don’t. By encouraging hard work and praising effort rather than just achievement results, teachers and parents can create a positive learning environment where students feel like they can accomplish anything they set their minds on achieving.