
Stacy Moses


I am a kindergarten teacher in a low income (all my students receive Free breakfast n lunch) 90% English language learners district. Even with covid, my school had been in person, 5 full days with a class of 20 children in my class. Due to covid my students cannot share. So they sit at their table all day. No centers, no play time and no technology. I couldn't even get crayons this year as the company has been back ordered since May! I would love to be able to raise money for my class so I could get supplies. I really want to get a Chromebook for my students, so they could have technology like the rest of the world. State tests are on computers and my students don't know how to use a mouse. Anything that you can do to help would be appreciated. I am a kindergarten teacher in a low income (all my students receive Free breakfast n lunch) 90% English language learners district. Even with covid, my school had been in... read more

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Joined December, 2020 |


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