
The lessons we learn early in life are most often the ones we carry through our lifetimes.

That’s why it is important to allow children to be creative while we help build their self-esteem.

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This is why we should teach children to be strong

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that those formative years shape who and what we become as adults. Life itself is exceptionally difficult for everyone, at least at certain times.

Children are young and impressionable and tend to believe what grown-ups tell them. This makes for an excellent opportunity for parents, teachers, coaches, and other adults to step forward and teach them the value of being strong.

Why is it important to be strong?

Life has many problems, and people must be strong to survive and thrive. If a child is taught to be strong, they will learn the skills necessary to prepare them for life’s many challenges. Without the lessons of strength, children may become more dependent on others than they need to be and won’t develop traits such as independence.

What is being strong?

Strength is more than physical; it is emotional and psychological as well. We need to teach children how to be strong in all areas. Another area that’s not stressed enough today is spiritual strength. Suppose a child expresses interest in God or religion. In that case, they should be allowed to examine religion and adopt one for themselves, as faith is an incredible strength no child should be without.

Modern psychology also stresses the need to nurture and accept a child’s feelings. For example, crying when there is a legitimate reason to be sad (such as a family death or a friend’s loss) should be considered a strength. Traditionally, this was not always so for both boys and girls, and some hold on to the view that tears are a sign of weakness.

Letting go of our pain through tears will make you stronger. We are human beings and need to let our feelings show. Suppressing our natural emotions brings an imbalance and sometimes emotional or mental illness, and this practice will not make you strong. Indeed, the opposite will occur.

How do we teach children to be strong?

It is a challenge today to offer the kinds of support and lessons a child needs to be strong. Many people have to accomplish this, not just parents. Schools and communities must step up and offer support and encouragement for all our children. Consistency and fairness help a child the most when you teach about strength, and leading by example is the best way.

This is why we should teach children to be creative

As we have learned in raising our own children, creativity is important to any child’s overall development. By supporting and encouraging our children’s creativity, we could see first-hand how every aspect of their physical and emotional health was affected.

Even if you have lost your creative spark, doing what you can to help your child’s sense of creation can influence their development in positive and unexpected ways.

Why is creativity important?

Four primary aspects of your child’s growth are affected by their sense of creativity. It’s exciting and rewarding to see how these aspects of a child are influenced by their sense of creativity.

  • Physical – When children are allowed to create something, they must use their fine motor skills. This means learning muscle coordination, hand/eye coordination, and mechanical control.
  • Emotional – Children often have trouble verbalizing their feelings. Giving them more creative ways to express themselves, such as painting and drawing, can help them share their feelings more accurately.
  • Intellectual – Creating, whether through building something or drawing and painting, helps children develop stronger cognitive functioning. To create, they have to use their critical thought processes, and they must learn how to solve problems on their own. More opportunities to engage in creative activities will help your children strengthen these skills.
  • Social – Creative activities often encourage group interactions. These environments teach children socialization skills, such as sharing, communication, and mutual respect.

Ways to encourage creativity

  • Multiple-use toys – Many toys have just one use, meaning these items won’t motivate your child’s creativity. Invest in building blocks, stuffed animals, and other toys that can be used in various ways.
  • Easy access to creative supplies – Every parent worries about a messy house, but locking away art supplies isn’t the answer. Designate one room as an art studio, where you can provide easy access to paint, crayons, and markers.
  • Non-structured play time – Provide time each day for your child to go and create something. This should be the free time they can use however they choose, so they won’t feel forced into creating something.
  • Show interest – When your child creates something, show genuine interest. Ask questions and compliment them on their ingenuity.

As we grow older, our sense of creativity begins to suffer. We have to make room for more practical thoughts, which often means letting go of that magic. While your children are young and growing, encouraging that sense of creation can help them develop in ways you might never have imagined.