
Teaching is a popular career for many reasons, but having the opportunity to enrich the lives of young people is one of the most compelling reasons to become a teacher.

Whether you teach kindergarten, elementary school students, middle schoolers, or high school pupils, helping them learn new skills, understand the world around them, and develop a lifelong love of learning is one of the most enriching experiences.

Of course, everyone wants to excel in their chosen career, and teachers are no different. By keeping your personal and professional development at the forefront of your mind, you can continue to develop your expertise as you progress in your role. Furthermore, developing your skills will help you become an even better and more effective educator.

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1. Be a student

In a traditional classroom setting, the teacher retains control, and students take on a passive role. However, switching things up and letting your students take the lead can benefit them and you. Your students will be able to learn new skills and leadership if you allow them to teach the rest of the class. At the same time, you can refresh your memories of being a student and gain insight into what grabs your attention and what doesn’t.

Try splitting your students into groups and giving them a topic to present. With five or ten minutes blocks each, you can allow everyone to take a leading role and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn from one another.

2. Involve parents and guardians

Working in conjunction with parents and guardians can create a more symbiotic approach to a child’s education, and it can also be beneficial for teacher development. Inviting parents to volunteer in the classroom or at extra-curricular activities will ensure the school community has the practical support it needs to thrive. Teachers can gain access to the crucial help and support they need.

In addition, assigning family-based projects or encouraging parents to participate in specific events can help foster a sense of community and belonging. When parents and guardians take a more active role in their child’s schooling, it can positively affect behavior, effort, and attainment and help create a happier learning environment.

3. Incorporate more play

Play can be a great way to relax and de-stress, but it also provides valuable learning opportunities. While younger students may struggle to sit and concentrate for long periods, they can continue learning through play without needing consistent concentration. If you don’t already incorporate play into your day-to-day school activities, try to carve out a specific time and add play to the timetable.

If your school has dedicated play areas or learning centers, make the most of them. You may need to book in advance if you plan on using them during lesson time. Liaise with the relevant staff member and book your class sometime in the designated area. Alternatively, access some sports equipment and create your own if you don’t have a specific play area. Letting younger children play and be active helps them to de-stress, and it’s easy to find games that incorporate your learning aims and objectives.

4. Take time out for training

All teachers should undertake career development training, so make sure you take the time to do this. Whether it involves residential trips, face-to-face training, or online courses, your career development is essential to your success and happiness. Of course, the more training and support you receive, the more effective you can be in the classroom.

While getting caught up in the day-to-day demands of teaching is easy, ensure your needs are met. If in-house training isn’t provided, speak to your line manager or school administrators about training opportunities and funding. There may be scope for school-wide training, so you and your colleagues could benefit from team-building exercises, community-led training, and bespoke learning programs.

5. Use more tech

Bringing tech into the classroom can be a valuable experience for teachers and students, so it’s certainly something you should consider. If your school already offers access to equipment, such as tablets or laptops, try to find new ways to incorporate these into your lessons.

Alternatively, if you don’t have access to school-funded tech equipment, ask if you can bring your equipment into the classroom. For example, if you have a tablet, it’s easy to display it on a television screen so the whole class can see it.

6. Create a blog

Giving yourself an online presence and an outlet can work wonders for your development as a teacher. Even joining teaching-related online forums and connecting with other educators can be a great way of developing your skills and building professional relationships.

Of course, you must be mindful not to post anything about your students or identifying information about your colleagues or your place of work. If you want to maintain your privacy, choose a random username and ensure you stay anonymous.

7. Practice mindfulness

Being a teacher can be chaotic and stressful, so you’ll need to find a way to calm your mind and relax. Mindfulness is a great way to do this because it can be practiced anywhere, at any time. Being mindful enables you to focus completely on what you’re doing at that moment, whether writing an email, relaxing, or writing a lesson plan.

If you’re constantly hopping between tasks or struggling to concentrate on one thing, mindfulness can help minimize your stress levels and ensure you complete one task before moving on to the next.

Try to incorporate mindfulness at various points throughout the day, such as:

  • When you first awaken
  • Before you begin your first class
  • After lunch, before afternoon classes begin
  • At the end of the school day
  • When you arrive home
  • Before you fall asleep

8. Build relationships with colleagues

If you can forge strong professional relationships with your colleagues, you can benefit from having a supportive working environment. When you collaborate with colleagues, you can learn from one another, which can be immeasurably helpful in professional development. Whether you’re mentored by a more experienced teacher or learn new techniques and strategies from newly-qualified teachers, working well with your colleagues will bring many rewards.

Teachers can have extremely stressful working lives, and your colleagues will understand exactly what you’re going through when they have a bad day. While you may not be friendly with everyone on your team, having a good working relationship with those around you is important.

9. Avoid burnout

Burnout can happen to employees in any industry, but it’s particularly common among teachers. With high targets, limited resources, and an array of issues, it’s not surprising that teachers experience significant stress. When burnout occurs, however, it can devastate your physical and mental health, and it may be enough for you to walk away from teaching altogether.

To prevent this from happening, make sure you take enough time to relax properly when you’re not at work and switch off at home with your family. Be confident enough to ask for professional support when you need it and know when things are getting on top of you. Teachers tend to be caring and compassionate, but this doesn’t always extend to themselves. While you may make time for students, colleagues, and family members, ensure you make time for yourself.

10. Learn from your experiences

With so much to do and little time to do, the days can pass in a blur. With one week stretching into the next, an entire term can be over before you know it. However, reflecting on each lesson can be a valuable way of enhancing your teaching style and developing your career.

Writing a journal can be a great way to achieve this. Write in longhand, make bullet points or take notes on your smartphone or tablet; whatever works best for you. With a written log of how your lessons are going, you’ll have something to look back on and compare your performance to. It may not be easy to see patterns emerging when you’re in the moment, but when you can look back on your journal and take the time to reflect, you may notice patterns of behavior that could be modified or enhanced in some way.

Self-reflection may not be the easiest task, but it is one of the most effective ways of developing your skills. When you can assess your performance and identify areas you want to improve, you’ll have a surefire way of honing your talents and developing your skills as a teacher.